Simulation Hypothesis

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Simulation Hypothesis is one of the best hypothesis which explains the origin of universe, God, ghosts, and everything. So, let's learn this interesting hypothesis.

The hypothesis states that you are living in a computer simulation! Yes! This universe is a simulation of a real universe. God is nothing but just a programmer. When I say god is just a programmer, many will find their faith weakening. Though after creating such amazing multiple dimensional simulation, you cannot avoid bugs and errors. These errors are the spirits and ghosts. Since an error or bug can be easily solved by the programmer, we find priests asking god to help them against supernatural powers. Many of you would be thinking that a programmer creates a particular simulation with an objective in mind. So, why did god created universe? What was the purpose behind creating such simulation? Now let's answer this question!

God is using this simulation as a time machine! Any step which is supposed to be taken in the real universe, he takes that step in our universe. He makes the corresponding change in our universe and observes the consequences. If the resultant consequences are negative, he won't take that step in real universe. We will discuss some more aspects of simulation hypothesis in the next chapter. Please share your thoughts and reviews by commenting on this chapter. Please do share this book via your social site accounts so that maximum people will become aware of such amazing facts.

I really thank you all because the book has completed 20,000 reads. Therefore, I announce that now I will be posting certain concepts related to quantum mechanics which will amaze you!

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