Chapter 28

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Miki's POV

It's been three days since Ian visited me. But still, he's background is very mysterious. His only information that is known is that he is the next duke of Haldane household. After all, Haldane household is known as the most secretive noble family. Even though they are very secretive, their dukedom is known as the richest and wealthiest place.

Though they are nothing secret about them for me. Their family is an ancient bloodline that keeps its records about history even now.

It means all the unknown information came from them but no one knows. Like the blood contract, it came from them but no one knows who spread it. The measuring of the mana, the types of magic and etc. All of it came from them.

But why would they know this things unlike us?

Easy. A war happened.

An endless yet chaotic war happened that tore apart the heaven and earth. The clear blue sky and sea turned into a bloody sky and sea. The earth turns into aspens that not even a single plant can live. There is no one can distinguish themselves. They are like animals who only care themselves. Animals who fight for their own survival.

What do they fight for? Nothing but because there is a traitors among them. A prophesy tells that there will be a traitors who will destroy the world.

The thing is nothing tells about what race it is.

Thanks to that prophecy, people started to doubt the powerful mages and kill them. Likewise, those mages who survive kill them.

Of course, knowing the traitors is still alive, no one stop until the world became chaotic.

Because the traitor is not only one but more. That's why the world at that time is kill or be killed.

Haldane clan is the one who overlook who is the traitors. Even to their own kind, they overlook it. Because the prophecy is still written in a stone, it is still existing. It will only end if the prophecy, that was written, disappears.

Back to the topic. How did the war stop?

The Haldane family stopped that chaotic war. But they are not the main factor for stopping the war. But a single person is the one who stopped the war. Sadly, that person died tragically.

"Yo, Miki!" a certain raven called me.

I stared at him at a long time and clicked my tongue.

"Why are you even here. You are disturbing my relaxation. Just die"

"Really... still saying those malicious words... Anyway, I brought something for you!"

What a food? A massaging material? Or a sleeping material?

I tried to look at the back of his hand, only to know that it is neither of it.

What a let down....

He is my former servant after all.

"Are you thinking about me as your servant? I never became your servant remember that"

Yeah, yeah... yet you always follow my orders...

He is always doing what I told him to do so what is a difference between that and a servant. Wait. He was my servant in my past life and he isn't now.

I get it, I get it now.

"Back to the topic, I brought you a book. I know you know about that war. This book is about the clues of finding the traitors"

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