Chapter Six

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Noelle pulled her borrowed cloak closely to her body, trying to avoid the chill of the night air against her skin but finding it hard with the thin shabby cloak over her equally worn borrowed dress. She tried to remind herself that any amount of temporary discomfort would be worth it to see Soren again.

She came to a halt in front of Madame Cavelle's milliner shop located on Bond Street. She was familiar with this particular shop, having frequented it often to purchase elaborate bonnets to match some of her favorite gowns. She looked at the familiar red brick façade of the shop before glancing up to see the windows facing the street on the second story of the building were illuminated and appeared welcoming. She could see shadows flicker across the panes on occasion and imagined Soren in the room he was letting from the milliner.

She looked around not exactly sure how to go about gaining entrance to the dwelling above the stairs. She observed the front of the shop, noticing only one entrance, the main door. She walked around the corner of the shop and saw a small door with a brass knob. She cautiously turned the handle and was pleased when the door opened to reveal a narrow staircase leading up to what she hoped would be Soren's room.

She gathered her cloak and skirts in her hands and carefully ascended the stairs in the darkness. At the top of the landing was another door, presumably the one she was looking for. She reached her hand out from beneath her cloak and rapped on the door. She heard some shuffling and footsteps before the door swung open, revealing a surprised Soren.

"Noelle, what a pleasant surprise!" Soren looked even more handsome than she had remembered him. He was still wearing his waistcoat and cravat, though his tailcoat had been removed. It felt so good to see him that Noelle momentarily forgot herself and threw her arms around his neck.

"Oh Soren, it's so good to see you." She felt his strong arms go around her waist, pulling her close to his warm body and she felt herself shiver in response.

"Darling, you are freezing. I know it's highly improper, but you must come in and warm up by the fire before you catch a cold."

Noelle laughed at the absurdity of the situation—going into a gentleman's home un-chaperoned, while impersonating her lady's maid, was beyond the pale, but she was doing it anyway. She followed him into the small room where a fire was flickering in the fireplace. He gestured for her to sit in the single chair in the room, then went to stoke the flames to roaring, before leaning casually against the mantel, turning his brilliant green eyes on her.

"My Love, I knew you couldn't stay away for long, and I can't say that I mind, for I found myself missing you terribly."

Noelle was warmed more fully by his words than by the fire. "Truly?"

"Truly. Now tell me you missed me too."

"Oh Soren, I did. I have thought of little else but you since our last meeting."

"I confess the same. But?" He left the question open, sensing there was more to her visit than just a yearning to see him.

He watched as her beautiful face took on a look of distress. "Oh, I have been delivered the most horrendous news today by my father. He has arranged for me to wed the Duke of Kerrington. I knew I had to see you one last time before you set sail and before I...before I am to wed."

Soren stood abnormally still, never once breaking eye contact with Noelle, as his thoughts churned in his head. He knew he was being ridiculous to harbor such intense feelings for this girl he had barely met, but the thought of her marrying some other man made his blood boil with envy. He had a sudden desire to hold her in his arms and to never let her go. Noelle must have sensed his desire, because before he knew what was happening, she was in his arms. He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before reaching up and pulling the pins out of her hair, releasing the braid that had been wound into a bun at the back of her head. He sighed as he watched the golden waves cascade down and around her shoulders.

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