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Sebastian liked cold showers.

He wasn't quite sure why. Perhaps it was the way the freezing water jolted his senses to life or soothed his aching body after a hard day of fighting for his life. Or maybe he just liked torturing himself.

He wasn't quite sure.

The black-haired magician stood underneath the slightly rusted showerhead, the weak stream of water dribbling onto his pale skin. He slid a hand across his sharp features. Bags hung beneath his eyes. The cuts and bruises from previous nights had just started to fade. He looked much older than nineteen.

His appearance was the least of his worries, though.

It had been two weeks since that night in the woods. The fact they were all still alive was a miracle. He supposed he had Makaela to thank for that. Had it not been for her begging his father—Thorian Thauvin, the leader of House Tenebris and the dark magicians known as the Shades—to spare their lives, they would've been killed days ago.

Sebastian clenched his jaw at the thought of her. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to force the image of her face out of his head. It was useless. He'd never be able to forget her no matter what he did.

He brought his fist to the tiled wall in front of him.

How could she do that?

The memory of that terrible night flashed through his mind. After he and his friends successfully shadow-jumped out of Nordor, they had been almost immediately captured by his father's Shades. Makaela had been the only one to escape their clutches.

But not for long.

She found them in the woods and a fight broke out. Sebastian noticed she had changed. And it wasn't just her physical appearance; something within her had shifted. Her choice to join Thorian only reinforced that thought.

Sighing, he cut the shower water off. He grabbed his towel and stepped out from behind the curtain. His nose crinkled at the scent of mildew as he dried himself off.

He only had enough money left to afford two rooms at an inn on the outskirts of the village Makaela brought them to. After gathering some information on their whereabouts from the locals, he found out they were close to a port. The commune, known as Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer, wasn't too far away from one of the hidden cities his people lived in.

Had he not been disowned by his father, he would've gone there for help instead.

He scowled. House Tenebris was meant to be his. It had been his birthright, with him being his father's firstborn child—even if it was only by five minutes. He had given that all away when he decided to help Makaela and her family.

Lifting his head, he stared at his own reflection in the cracked mirror hanging above the faucet. After washing his face with the lukewarm sink water, he stepped outside the bathroom.

The cool air hit his wet chest upon entering the bedroom. The front door was slightly ajar. He figured Ajax must've gone for a walk. Sitting at the edge of one of the two twin beds in the room was Imogen, the Ordinaire girl who had been tagging along with them ever since they met back in Canada.

She was in too deep for them to get rid of her now. She would have to stay with them until he figured out what to do with her. If the Eldai—the magical police force—got their hands on her, she'd surely be killed.

She was currently brushing her wet hair. She grunted as she struggled to untangle the knotted, hazel tresses. Her head snapped up as she noticed Sebastian standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

"Finally, you're out." She shot him a playful smile. "Never knew a guy could spend longer in a bathroom than me."

Sebastian rolled his eyes, which earned a slight chuckle from her. He looked around the musty motel room.

The Ocean Siege | Vol.2, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now