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Sebastian was beginning to think death might've been the better choice.

He crinkled his nose at the dirty water surrounding him. He tried breathing through his mouth. It didn't make his situation any better. In fact, it made it worse because now he had to taste the putrid air.

Scowling, he continued to wade through the water. Thankfully, it only reached up to his knees. Luka was leading them through the underground tunnel. Apart from the man and the murky liquid beneath him, he couldn't see anything. Every now and then, slivers of lantern light would rain through storm drains and other manholes, but it wasn't enough to light up the sewer.

They were covered in complete and utter darkness.

Sebastian only knew Imogen and Remy were still behind him by the sounds of them moving through the water.

"This is easily the worst thing I've ever done," Imogen grumbled.

"It's better than behind dead," Luka replied. He was holding up his blue coat, protecting it from the water. Sebastian stifled a laugh at his rigid posture. He looked like an uncomfortable princess lifting their dress from the floor.

"I agree," he said. "We have a job to do."

"Can I quit that job?" Imogen asked. "I'm not even getting paid."

"You're getting paid with your survival."


Even though Sebastian didn't like it, Thania's sewage system was keeping them all alive. Though, if he inhaled any more fumes from inside the tunnel, he was sure he'd die of one disease or another.

They were lucky Luka knew his way through the tunnels. The man had told them he and a few of his colleagues utilized the underground system to transport their goods without being in the public eye. According to him, the sewers would lead them right outside Sirus' palace.

Sebastian would've shadow jumped them all there, but there were a few variables preventing him from doing so. Not only was he unfamiliar with the city's landscape, but he also wasn't sure if he could safely transport himself and three others via shadows.

So, they would have to keep walking through the sewers.

Squinting, he stopped and turned around. "Remy."

"Yes, Sebby?"

"Why haven't you conjured up a light ball or something?"

He heard the boy facepalm himself. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Maybe because you're an idiot?" Imogen suggestion.

Remy fake-laughed at her before muttering, "Illumieris." A golden ball of light hovered above his marked palm. It bobbed in the air, illuminating the dark, water-filled cavern.

Slick, dark bricks reflecting the yellow glare. The reflections of the four magicians danced along the sloshing water. In front of them, Sebastian noticed the tunnel was beginning to split off into three directions, each one looking more menacing than the other.

Luka continued forward, unfazed by new paths. He took them down the center one, ignoring the other two.

"Er, are you sure we're going the right way?" Imogen inquired.

The blond rolled his eyes at the girl. "Of course I know where I'm going. I've lived in this city for thirty years, Ordinaire."

"Watch it, Blondie," she warned.

"What're you gonna do? Glare me to death?"

That shut her up. Sebastian laughed.

"I've been meaning to ask you something," Remy said.

The Ocean Siege | Vol.2, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now