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Despite feeling like she could pass out at any given moment, pride swelled in Makaela's chest upon returning to Castle Braexus. Asahi and the other magicians present during the takeover had stayed behind to secure the spire while Makaela and Amora returned to Nordor for further instructions.

The battle kept replaying in Makaela's head. It was almost like a movie; she didn't even know she was capable of doing the things she did. Even though she hated losing herself to her inner Nightling, she couldn't help but be impressed with herself. She had taken down an entire sea serpent with her bare hands. Not everyone could say that.

If Thorian didn't trust her now, then he never would.

Once she got back to her bedroom, she changed out of her Shade robes and into something more comfortable. She then made her way downstairs to join her fellow Knights of the Black Lotus. Upon opening the door to the meeting room, she realized everyone was already in their seats—including Thorian, who had returned from his short trip to Vashara.

She was the last one to arrive.

"Finally," Amora grumbled. "What took you so long?"

Makaela ignored her.

Thorian nodded curtly at her. "There you are."

"I apologize for being late," she mumbled. She coughed awkwardly. "My lord..." The words tasted sour in her mouth.

"I do not accept tardiness," he said. "You are lucky I'm in a good mood. Please, take your seat so we can begin."

Her face grew warm as she made her way to her chair. She sunk into the plush seat cushion, wishing that it would swallow her whole. Around her, the other Shades waited patiently for their leader to speak. They all knew what the meeting's purpose was for. Now that they had successfully gained control of every portal in existence, including the secret one in the castle, it was time for them to plan out their assault on Thania. With the help of House Doragon, the Redfangs, and the other creatures Thorian had on his side, they had more than enough people to fight Sirus and his house.

However, Makaela knew they were still at a disadvantage. House Aegeon most likely had their own portal guarded by their best fighters. The second she and the others teleported into their city, they would be under attack.

Judging by Thorian's calm expression, she assumed he had a plan. Whatever that plan was, she wanted—needed—to be a part of it. Her inner Nightling lusted for another battle while her true self longed to keep her friends safe. Either way, she needed to be in Thania when the battle happened.

Her busy mind wandered to Sebastian and the others. What were they doing? Were they preparing for battle? She hoped they weren't. They needed to surrender if they wanted to live. Thorian's patience was dwindling with each passing day. She feared the man wouldn't be as kind to them as he had been in the past.

She hoped he wouldn't fight, but she knew he would. The boy would fight until his last, dying breath. He had courage and honor and pride. All things that got men killed. They were the things that got her father killed.

She scowled at the thought.

Thorian cleared his throat. "Before we get started with plans, I would like to take a moment to recognize the valiant efforts of Amora and Makaela. Without them, we would not have been able to secure the spire."

The other knights clapped slowly with bored expressions on their faces. Emile was the only one who seemed proud of their achievement. Makaela caught his eye and they smiled at each other. Amora pretended to gag at them.

"It was easy," the dark-eyed girl mused while kicking her feet onto the table. "A piece of cake, really." Her father cast her an unimpressed glance.

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