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"What. Happened?"

Thorian's words were razor-sharp. They nearly cut Makaela's skin open. She winced at each one and cast her gaze to the dark floor.

She, Amora, Igor, and the surviving Shades of the battle at the docks stood before their leader in his central meeting hall inside Castle Braexus. They all kept quiet, slightly frightened expressions drawn across their faces.

"My lord," one of the Shades started, stepping forward to speak, "we weren't expecting them to be as strong as they were."

"You mean to tell me that my strongest magicians could not take care of some amateur magicians and an Ordinaire?" Thorian's tone had returned to his typical dry pattern. Even still, could see the anger surrounding the words as they left his mouth.

The Shade who spoke took a shaky step backward, their eyes darting around like an animal who had just been cornered by a predator.

"M-My lord, we tried the best we— "

A killing spell emerged from Thorian's mark palm and crashed into the stammering Shade's chest in an explosion of red and black. Their body dropped to the floor, their eyes perpetually widened with shock.

A sharp, strangled cry attempted to burst from Makaela's throat. She clamped a hand over her mouth as tears filled her eyes. She turned away from the dead body near her feet.

She wasn't sure why she hadn't gotten used to his sudden violent outbursts yet. He hadn't directly inflicted any pain on her yet—much to her relief—but it was only a matter of time. Thorian didn't have the same sense of restraint with his other disciples.

The man was a perfectionist and he didn't accept failure.

Yet, she still hadn't gotten used to it. A part of it wished she never did. If she did, it meant she had lost her humanity. And that would hurt more than any other wound could. At the same time, she couldn't show her emotion around Thorian. He punished that too.

Stay calm, stay calm.

She let out a silent breath and tried forgetting about what Thorian just did.

To her side, Amora seemed to be more annoyed than shocked at her father's actions. She simply crossed her arms and set her jaw at nothing in particular.

"That was a bit harsh."

"You will be next if you fail me again," Thorian said as he straightened his posture. Makaela couldn't tell if that was a threat or a promise. Would he really kill his own daughter? She wasn't sure if she wanted the answer to that.

The man lifted his chin and waved his hand, signaling for the servant in the room to dispose of the fallen Shade's body. After they left, Thorian turned his attention back to the party he sent out to kill Sebastian and the others.

"Now," he continued. "What exactly happened?"

Amora cut her dark eyes at Makaela. "I don't know, father. Why don't you ask her?"

Makaela frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean," Amora snapped. She faced Thorian. "We almost had them, father, I swear to you. Makaela wouldn't fight them. She insisted on talking things out." A small grin surfaced on her lips. "I think she still belongs to them."

"I don't belong to anyone," she retorted, her eyes narrowed.

Thorian clasped his hands and examined them for a moment. He then waved one of his hands again. Igor bowed silently and exited the room, taking the other Shades along with him. silently ordering the rest of the Shades in the room to exit.

The Ocean Siege | Vol.2, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now