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Sirus shouted a knockback spell, which was met with an identical spell from Thorian. The two azure bolts of magic collided with each other and exploded. A gust of warm wind hit Makaela's face as she looked away from the bright light.

Shouts erupted between the two men as they pelted each other with a flurry of spells. Shocks of light lit up the dark hallway. Still on her knees, Makaela watched them attentively. She was in awe of their skill. Apart from her father and Achilles Washington, she'd never seen any two people cast like that.

To her side, Emile rushed over to Amora, who was slowly getting back to her feet. A trickle of blood ran down the side of her face, a teardrop of red. Makaela forced her bloodlust into the back of her mind.

But the Nightling was growing stronger and she wasn't sure how much longer she could suppress its carnal urges.

She didn't want to kill any more people. Especially not her friends. While they may have chosen their own fate, she didn't want to be to one to end their lives. The mere thought of it made her want to vomit.

In the back of her mind, she knew it was unavoidable. Thorian and his people left a trail of blood and bodies behind them no matter where they went. She was a part of their ranks now, and soon she'd become just like them. A murderer. A monster.

A chill pierced her bones all the way to the marrow.

Her gaze remained glued on the two master magicians in the center of the hallway. Thorian opted to use a plethora of dark magic spells while Sirus utilized more combat-based spells. The former had the advantage at the moment. Had Sirus been near any water, the battle might've been different.

The different shades of magical energy clashed with each other, painting the white walls and floors with beautifully vibrant hues.

With her head still spinning and the whispers inside not getting any quieter, Makaela fell to her hands and knees. She gasped for air as she felt her body beginning to shift. Gritting her teeth, she drew on every piece of strength within her to halt the process.

Ahead of her, Sirus charged at Thorian with his trident raised. A stunning spell raced towards him, but it was batted away with ease. Thorian swiped his hand through the air, hitting the other man with a wall of black magic.

The dark magician took the opportunity to face his three knights. "Go after the Brynjir boy." He turned to Emile. "You stay with me."

Emile nodded.

Amora bowed before running over to Makaela. After picking her up, the two of them ran in the direction Ajax had run off in.

As they ran, Makaela glanced over her shoulder. Footsteps were entering the hall. Through the shadowy air, she spotted a few more soldiers entering the area. Their silver armor plates were singed with fire and torn in several places. Emile conjured several shards of dark magic and shot them at the Aegeon magicians.

The man was a talented magician, but he was outnumbered. She wasn't sure if he'd be able to take on all of the soldiers with any extra help. Thorian was preoccupied with Sirus, meaning he was alone in his battle.

Makaela wanted to turn back and help, but Amora's grip on her forearm was ironclad. Instead of going back, she reached behind her and directed a crackling ball of light magic at two of the guards. They went flying in opposite directions, one hitting the ground and the other smacking into a wall.

"Move you ass!" Amora yelled.

Nodding, Makaela willed her legs to take her faster.

Her inner voice urged her to release control to the demon inside. If she did, she'd have limitless energy to call upon. Biting her lip, she ignored the temptation and continued sprinting behind Amora.

The Ocean Siege | Vol.2, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now