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Makaela trailed behind Emile and Amora as they made their way through one of the palace's courtyards. The small garden was sandwiched in between two open corridors. Vibrant trees surrounded by benches and stone tables decorated the grass.

She made sure to keep her eyes open for more Aegeon soldiers. She didn't pick up on any new scents or foreign noises. They were alone for the time being.

The trio of Shades crept into another hallway after passing through the courtyard. Despite the nature of their arrival, Makaela couldn't help but admire the palace's intricate architecture. House Aegeon's Greco-Roman influences shined through most of their structures—from the high archways to the massive pillars holding up the ceilings.

She glanced down at the polished floors beneath her. They were whiter than snow and glossy enough to reflect her face perfectly. Her eyes had returned to their normal gold hue, but she couldn't help but see the darkness in them. Faint traces of red lingered around her mouth.

She frowned at the sight.

"Where are we even going?" Amora asked as she took off her mask. She placed her hands on her hips, a bored expression painted across her face. "This place is like one big, boring maze."

"I think it's quite nice," Emile replied. He rubbed his bald head and paused for a moment. "And I was expecting to face a bit more...resistance? I figured the soldiers could've led us to Sirus, but I was mistaken."

"When is my father arriving?"

"Don't ask me."

Amora huffed and turned away from the man.

Makaela looked around, trying to see if anyone was watching them beyond a wall or a corner somewhere. She took a whiff of the air. She only strong smell she picked up was the blood outside the entrance of the palace.

"Where is everyone?"

Her stomach growled and she sighed. Apparently, she hadn't gotten her fill on those poor soldiers outside. Her inner demon was still feigning for more flesh and blood. A longing purr arose from her throat.

Feeding didn't seem to quell her thirst. In fact, it seemed to only make it more pronounced.

"I'm hungry."

Amora and Emile shared an apprehensive look.

"I'm sure we can deal with that after we find Sirus," Emile promised.

"Don't eat me," Amora warned her. She pulled down the neck of her robes, revealing the scar tissue near her collarbone. "I still have the mark from when you took a bite out of me."

Makaela subconsciously licked her lips, recalling the way the girl tasted when she sunk her teeth into her flesh that night in the forest. That night, everything changed.

It was a change for the better, though. She was sure of it. Because, this time, she was on the right side. She was determined to not make the same mistakes many of her housemates made years ago. With Thorian's drive and her power, they would return the world back to the magicians.

"Did you hear me, halfling?" Amora jabbed a finger in Makaela's direction. "Don't even think about eating me."

"I won't," she grumbled.

The demon inside her mind didn't make any promises.

"Maybe we should just call my father here," Amora said as she plopped down onto a nearby ledge. She swung her legs like a child. "This whole siege thing would be over and done with if he'd just show up already."

Emile cleared his throat while shooting the nineteen-year-old an unimpressed glance. "Thorian will arrive when he arrives. For now, we must find Sirus and do anything possible to sway the tide in our favor."

The Ocean Siege | Vol.2, The Eldenarian Artifacts ✓Where stories live. Discover now