7. Liviana

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Liviana woke to a pounding headache. She groaned aloud. How much wine had she had to drink last night? Too much, evidently.

She frowned, she was usually so careful on these public occasions. One glass to sip beforehand as she mingled, and another to accompany her meal. She tried to think back, how—and why—had she broken her own rule so disastrously?

Her stomach rolled in queasy rebellion. My god, I'm going to be sick! she thought, swinging her legs hastily over the side of the bed. She staggered to the washbowl in the corner and threw up, violently. Shaking, she dipped a face cloth in the jug of water next to the bowl and washed her sweaty face. Luckily, she had left a glass half full of water on the stand. She rinsed and spat out one mouthful, then gulped the rest of it thirstily.

Only then did it dawn on her that she was standing there naked. Where was her nightgown? Had she been so drunk the night before she hadn't bothered to put it on?

She stood there in front of the washstand waiting until she was certain her stomach had settled, looking out the window at the early dawn. Time enough for another hour's sleep if she was lucky before her maid came in to help her dress.

She turned back to the bed. And froze. There was someone in her bed. Asleep. And not just 'someone'... it was a man. She took a trembling step nearer.

The dark gold hair of Lord Dale'l'Xandro was spread across the pillow next to hers. A bare smooth-skinned shoulder was framed by the blankets.

What had she done?

Liviana made a small incoherent sound of protest.

The sound must have been enough to wake him because he rolled over and the next moment she was staring straight into a pair of tawny eyes. Smiling eyes, smiling with an expression of profound satisfaction.

"And how are you this morning, my lovely lady?" Dax murmured, stretching luxuriously.

"What are you doing here?" The words stumbled out of her mouth, but she knew, even as she spoke. They'd spent the night together. A night she couldn't remember.

"You can't tell me you've forgotten already?" Dax answered, with a teasing lilt. "Not after last night. You practically tore my clothes off me. We made love twice or was it three times? You were insatiable." He smiled again, his eyes flicking over her body.

He drew back the blankets and patted the sheet. "Come back to bed, sweetheart."

Liviana tore her eyes away to stare helplessly around the room. Her nightgown was lying crumpled on the floor and she grabbed it, holding it against her. What had she done? How was she going to get out of this? Her brain scrabbled to find a way out.

"My lord," she stumbled, "Dax. My profound apologies but I've evidently made a huge mistake. I must ask you to leave. You can't be found here. I beg you on your honour as a gentleman, speak of this to no-one."

For a moment, Liviana thought she saw a flash of sheer fury on Dax's face, but almost instantly it softened into puzzled hurt. "My lady?"

"I'm sorry." It was all she could think of to say, her brain was too frantic, rolling the disaster around and around. Dax had to go, immediately, before her maid arrived. But even now she could hear the sounds of servants stirring, going about their duties in the castle. A door slammed down in the courtyard. How was Dax going to be able to leave here without being seen? Let alone get back to his own quarters unnoticed.

"My lord, I beg of you, you must go!" Liviana was dismayed to find she was actually wringing her hands.

"Of course, milady, if that's your wish," agreed Dax, reproachfully. He flung back the covers, revealing his nakedness. Liviana blushed and looked away.

Just in time to hear a perfunctory knock at her door. Before she could call out in protest, the handle turned and Sally, her maid, walked into the room carrying her tea tray.

Sally took one look at Dax, naked on the bed, screamed, and dropped the tray.

Just like all the best melodramas, thought Liviana wildly, verging on hysteria.

And after that, there was nothing to be done.


Liviana met with her Counsellors later that day, with Dax at her side, young and handsome, an appropriately serious expression on his face. Both had taken time to bathe and dress in fresh clean clothes.

"I am happy to announce that Lord Dale'l'Xandro has done me the honour of accepting my hand in marriage," she told them, her voice as cool as if that morning's scandal had never happened. She paused, giving a slightly sardonic smile as her Counsellors rushed to offer their congratulations.

"Dax and I intend to be wed at this year's Harvest. That will allow three months for the necessary preparations." She continued, ignoring the gasps of dismay at the exceedingly narrow time frame. "Lord Dale'l'Xandro's Counsellors will be in touch with you shortly to arrange the details of the contract. I'm sure I can count on you to do the best for both of us."


Marius woke hours later, his eyes heavy and his stomach roiling. He reached the washbasin with seconds to spare. What the hell had he eaten last night? Had there been something wrong with the fish? Wiping his face, he dressed hastily and went into the passage. Dax's room was empty.

He hurried downstairs to the kitchen in search of fresh water and a servant to clean up the mess upstairs.

"I must have eaten something that disagreed with me last night," he told the nearest manservant as he gulped down a second glass of water. "Am I too late for breakfast?"

He got a very funny look in return.

"It's well past midday, sir."

"It can't be! You're joking, aren't you? I never sleep that long."

"Must be nearly three in the afternoon," insisted the man.

"I guess there has to be a first time for everything," mused Marius, and emptied the glass. "Where's Lord Dax, do you know?"

The sound of indrawn breath reverberated around the room. Marius looked around in surprise, to find everyone in earshot frozen in place. The manservant next to him bore a striking resemblance to a stuffed fish. Marius felt a sinking sensation in his stomach.

"What? What's happened? Did I miss anything important?"

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