16. The Journey

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An hour later, they were back underground, Marius leading the way with Aled's torch. He was fascinated by the device, spending the first half hour shining it all around the cave as they walked, studying the stalactites on the roof and peering into corners.

"Will I wear it out?" he asked Aled anxiously. "How long will it last? There won't be any sun to power it down here."

Aled patted his pocket. "Don't worry, I have batteries for situations like these. When the light starts to get dim, I'll put one in."

Used to tracking animals while hunting, Marius took the lead. He was able to pick up his own trail, at least for the first part of the journey; a boot print here, a broken stalagmite there, and Aled followed along behind. He was silent at first, letting his senses grow accustomed to his surroundings.

Then, once he felt comfortable, he asked, "Marius, tell me about your world. What's it like? If I'm going to survive here I need to know what to expect."

They walked for hours, Aled listening as Marius talked, occasionally asking questions about customs he didn't understand. Then they hit an obstacle.

Marius stopped. The torchlight was reflecting off a pool of water filling the cave in front of them, barring their path. There was no way around it and on the other side they could see a couple of passages leading in different directions.

"I don't know which of those passages I came out, but I remember this," said Marius. "Now we have to swim."

"The water is that deep, is it?" asked Aled.

Marius nodded. "My feet couldn't touch the bottom in the middle."

Matter-of-factly, Aled bent to pull off his boots, then began to take off his utility belt and uniform.

"What are you doing?" asked Marius.

Aled stopped what he was doing to look at him. Marius was wide-eyed... and standing there, still fully dressed.

"I don't want to get my gear wet," said Aled simply. "Why, is there a problem?" He stared. Was Marius really blushing or was that a trick of the light?

"I suppose I'm being silly given the circumstances... it's just... people here don't show themselves to another unless they're... uh..."

"In a relationship?" filled in Aled, trying not to smile. As a soldier, he had become so used to stripping off in front of others, he barely noticed any more, but evidently it was different for Marius. He knew personal modesty was one of those things that varied tremendously from culture to culture, but it was unusual to find it amongst males. At least, it was unusual on Earth.

"I won't look if you won't," he teased, unable to help himself.

Marius blushed more deeply.

"We'll just be a lot more comfortable if our clothes stay dry," said Aled, "but if it really bothers you, we can keep our underwear on. Which passage on the other side do you think we should we aim for first?" he added, deftly changing the subject.

"Uh, that one," said Marius, pointing to the left.

"Okay," said Aled, stripping down to his briefs. "I'll go first. You wait here with the torch so I can see where I'm going." Expertly, he bundled up his clothes and equipment, stuffed them inside a bag pulled from his utility belt and tied his boots to the bag. Without looking back to check what Marius was doing, he plunged into the cold water. The water, though deep, was not very wide and he was able to reach the other side with a few swift strokes of his right arm while his left hand held the bag clear of the water.

He heaved himself onto the rocks. "Can you throw me the torch?" he called. A moment later it came sailing through the air and he caught it with both hands.

Aled was careful to keep the light low, directed at the water, but he couldn't help sneaking a quick glimpse at Marius. Was he still wearing all his clothes? He dropped his eyes hastily when he realised the other man was naked. Perhaps they didn't have underwear here! He made a point of searching the ground for signs that they had chosen the correct passage while Marius hauled himself out of the water.

"Are we in the right place do you think? There, does that look like a slip mark to you?"

"I think so." Marius was dressing quickly, scarcely taking time to dry himself first. Aled took longer, using a small travel towel to dry off the worst of the water.

"What's that? There on your back?" asked Marius in a different voice.

Aled twisted around. "Oh, that. Bullet wound," he explained. "I was lucky it wasn't a few centimetres to the left!"

Marius reached out to trace the scarred tissue gently with one finger. Aled flinched and sucked in his breath.

"Sorry! Does it hurt?" asked Marius, dropping his hand immediately and staring at the ugly scar. He thought if anyone on Thera had got an injury like that they would be dead.

"Not now. It hurt like the devil at the time, though! I was in hospital for a week."

Hastily, Aled pulled on his shirt and trousers. That had felt too weird, Marius touching him while he was half naked. Too good, if he was honest.

"I don't know what a 'hospital' is, but... You asked before if Dax had any distinguishing features. Well, what he doesn't have, is a huge scar on his back!"

"Good point! If we ever have to prove we are two different people, I'll just take off my shirt," laughed Aled.

They shared another of Aled's packaged meals and changed the battery in the torch, before continuing on their journey. Marius thought they were making good time, but he wished he had some idea of how long the journey from Angarth had taken him. Making his way in pitch darkness, he had been unable to tell night from day. Surely the two of them had to be moving faster than his careful shuffle, but were they going to be fast enough?

"Have you thought anymore about what you'll do when we reach Angarth?" asked Aled, interrupting his fruitless thoughts.

"I've got a couple of ideas," said Marius. "Depending on when we arrive. If we don't get there until after they're married... well, we might both be going back to that outcrop, waiting for your portal! But if we're in time, here's what I'm thinking."

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