Part 9 - Who is he to you?

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Avalana skylar Valerie

"Apollo, what are you doing here" i asked him and while whipping the tears on my cheeks.

He closed the door behind him, he walked in in a silent while his eyes are keep looking at me. He began to sit next to me, he sits while his eyes trying to read my expression. The scents of a good expensive cologne spread around since he walked inside of this room. He slowly put his hand on my shoulder, my eyes stick with his blue eyes, i know i would drown if i keep looking at it so i look away from his mesmerizing figure.

"You okay?" He asked me and try to catch me to looking back at him.

"I'm okay" i said but my eyes are still looking around the room, not so brave enough to look into those eyes again.

"Look at me" he said then put his hand on my chin to make me looking at him, those strong stares successfully made me nervous.

"I'm okay" i said.

"It is okay to be not okay sometimes" he said then i look away, i got nervous when i look into someone else's eyes especially him.

My heart beats seems beating faster when he looks at me, i feel like it has its own meaning when he looks at me like that.

I look into the pictures on the bug screen in front of of us, I paused the video when the door was being opened by him, which shows the picture of my grandpa and i. He does the same thing as i do, he looks up into the big screen and recognize that girl who's wearing a purple sweater is me.

"Is that you?" He asked me and i can see his lips curled from the corner of my eyes.

I nodded,

"And that's your grandpa?" He suddenly asked.

"Yeah" i said with a low voice.

He looks at me but my eyes keep looking straight to the screen,

"He looks great and kind" he said.

"He really is" i said.

"Who is he to you?" He asked in a dark silent around us.

"He's" i said and stop for a second while looking deep into my grandpa's blue eyes.

"Everything to me" i said.

There's a silent for a moment, both of us keep looking at the big screen in front of us. I remember those beautiful day when he was around, life seems perfect back then, i miss him so much.

"He's super kind he's a great person" i said with a smile on my face.

"Since my other grandpa passed away, my dad has to replace his position as the corporate leader,"

"Which makes my mom has to be on his side all the time,"

"Then both of them is getting busy and busy they left me and Gabe," i said.

"Grandpa is the only person that fill my life with colors, sometimes he picks me up from school when i was a little,"

"I still remember when he picked me up from school with his old car" i smile and laugh a little while picturing that moment.

"He took me to the park, bought me an ice cream, got mad when somebody wasn't being nice to me." I said.

"When i got into middle school he started to got ill, he couldn't walk without his walking stick and his condition gotten worse" i said and a tear all from my eyes.

"He couldn't talk, eat, or walk but he still can smile every time he saw me. I remember his wrinkles hands holding onto mine like he won't let it go" i said while smiling but a tears keep falling from my eyes.

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