Part 39 - Our pictures are everywhere

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Avalana Skylar Valerie

I woke up at 5 am today and can not go back to sleep until now, i find my parents are leaving to somewhere, I just found Laura's holding baby Jacob while watching a baby's channel on the TV while gabriel is reading something on his iPad he's still wearing a shirt and a sweatpants.

"Who's going to attend my graduation at Saturday?" I asked one of them cause I don't know if my parents can come or not.

"We'll see, we've talked about it last night" Gabriel said with his eyes still connected to the iPad screen.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, mom and dad are leaving to Tokyo for a meeting today and if they're back before Saturday it means they're going to attend your graduation" he said.

"Don't worry we'll be there if they're not coming" Laura smiles while holding Jacob on her arm.

I used to feel alright when my parents can not come to my personal important event, it is like a normal thing for me. And it is a normal thing for Gabriel and Laura to replace their places.

"Good morning everyone, breakfast is ready" Matilda walks in with a smile.

"Oh thank you Matilda" Laura said looking so excited.

"Do you want me to bring it here?" She asked with a smile in her face.

"Oh it's okay, you've worked hard" laura said while playing with baby Jacob.

"It is okay really laura, you're acting like we're just met yesterday" Matilda said while laughing.

"Thank you Matilda" she said with a smile.

I'm laying on the carpet next to Laura who's having Jacob happily kicking his legs and hands around, he's so active i wonder what sport will he take in the future he seems super active. I remember watching Gabriel played on his high school football team with mom, while Dad was busy with his work and mom still had his empty time to attend her children event. He played so good, he wasn't the captain like Apollo but he played really well.

"What are you watching Laura, Jacob doesn't even watch that" i said looking at the big Tv screen in front of us. She just laugh while rubbing Jacob's cute tummy,

"He recording everything he heard Lana" she said.

"Ow" i said before lean my back to the sofa behind me.

After a few minutes Matilda brings the breakfast to us, we thank her then we begin to eat our breakfast. Laura can keep her hands away from Jacob and it is so cute of her, Jacob has a beautiful big blue eyes and a chubby cheek which make him look so healthy and i can tell he's a happy baby.

"What are you guys planning to do today?" I asked them cause why Gabriel isn't seems getting ready to go to work today.

"Staying home, gabriel is tired so he took a day off" she said to me.

"Yet he's still working from home" i said looking at him who's busy with his iPad, Laura just smile before continue to finish the breakfast.

We had a nice talk this morning, i wish i can leave in their house and be their child instead. But i will disturb them and that would never happened. Having them here making the house not feel so empty, I'm always happy to have them here especially they have baby Jacob now.

"What are you going to do this morning Lana, i heard that you have a farewell party tonight?" Laura asked.

"Yeah tonight, I'm going to school this morning to pick up my stuff from the locker then I'm going to go to the spa with the girls then back to the school for the farewell party" i said.

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