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Malia's POV

     When I walked back into the house it was almost ten o'clock at night. The first thing I noticed was that there were no lights on, the only light coming from the windows. The second thing I noticed was that it deathly quiet.

Then I heard someone coming down the stairs.

"Malia?" It was Micah.

"Yeah." I respond. Suddenly he was pushing me back towards the front door.

"You need to disappear for the-"



"Is it bad?" I ask, slightly afraid.

"You should've listened." Was all he said, before suddenly Luca came stomping down the stairs.

"Well hello Malia. Welcome home. Did you have a nice time?"

His sarcasm sent the fear from my body. I stood up straight and put crossed my arms.

"Why yes I did Luca, thank you for asking."

He chuckled. "Didn't I tell you to come home?" He asked almost to calmly.

"Yeah. But like I said, you don't own me. I'm a grown woman and I do what I want."

He pursed his lip and nodded his head.

"Then leave."

"What?" That was both me and Micah.

"I didn't fucking stutter. Get the hell out of my house." A sharp pain flashed through my chest. Involuntarily my hand flew up to my chest to try and relieve the pain.

I see something change in Luca's eyes, but before I can decipher it, the rage is back.

"Fine." I threw the keys that I was holding to Micah and walked back out the front door. I pull my phone out of my pocket and call Bobby.


"Hey can you come and pick me up?"

"Yeah, I'll be right there."

That was six weeks ago.

I've been so sick. I've lost weight because I have absolutely no appetite. I try to force food down for the sake of my baby, but it just comes right back up. I can barely get out of bed anymore.

I feel so sleepy all of a sudden. But then I hear the doorbell. It takes everything in me to get up. When I make it to the door, I'm thoroughly surprised by who is standing in front of me.



I know that I was about to say something, but the room started to spin. I blink to try and get rid of the dark spots clouding my vision.

"Micah?" The last thing I see is Micah running towards me before the world goes dark.

Micah's POV

I'm not supposed to be here, but something is telling me that if I hadn't come I would regret it.

I go to Malia's front door and ring the door bell. I can hear her moving around in the house, so I just assumed she was ignoring me. I go to ring the doorbell again but then the door opens, and what I see sends so many emotions through my body. The main two being rage and sorrow.


She looks like she about to say something, but then she looks like she's about to pass out. I take a small step towards her and when she starts to blink rapidly I know for sure she's about to pass out.

"Micah?" She says m, as she begins to fall, but I catch her before she hits the floor.

"Malia? Malia, baby wake up, please." I shake her a little as I beg her to wake up. "I swear he didn't mean it. Malia, please don't leave us. We need you." I'm full on crying by now.

I pick her up and run to put her in my car. I get in the drivers seat and speed off to the hospital. I pick up my phone to call Luca.

"Micah whe-"

"Luca listen to me! Something is wrong with Malia!"


"Don't act fucking surprised you prick. You knew she was gonna get sick the second you decided to tell her to leave.

"Don't speak to-"

"Oh fuck you Luca. I'm taking her to the hospital and you better fucking be there." I hang up without waiting for a response.

I pull up to the emergency section of the hospital and jump out to get Malia. I pick her up and run into the hospital.

"HELP! Somebody help me please! My girlfriend needs help!"

Some nurses run over with a gurney.

"What happened?" One of them ask me.

"I don't know." I lied. "I went to her house, and she passed out not too long after opening the door for me."

The nurses nodded her head and helped the other nurses wheel her off to the forbidden double doors. I run my fingers through my hair just as Luca bursts through the front doors. The second I lol at him, all my rage is pushed to the forefront.

I walk calmly over to him.

And I punch him in the face. I'm the nose to be more specific.

"What the fuck Micah!"

"Don't 'what the fuck' me Luca. You're the fucking reason she's here. If you weren't such a possessive dickhead she would've been at home with us. Now she's in the goddamn hospital because of you!"

"If she had just-"

"Oh don't start with that bullshit! If she doesn't make it through this, we're done."

"You know that's not possible."

"Well I'll fight to make it possible."

Luca's POV

"Well I fight to make it possible." He seethes, and walks away. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair.

I know that what I did was fucked, but she just pisser me off so bad. If she had only just listened, then we wouldn't be in this predicament.

Hours pass as Micah and I wait in the sitting area of the hospital.

"Malia White?" I heard someone say. I had fallen asleep after about three hours of waiting. I look up to see a doctor looking around the room.

"Yes. We brought her in." Micah says bolting from his seat.

"Yes, well she's suffering from many different things. Starvation, dehydration, sleep deprivation, stress and the list goes on."

"Will she an alright?"

"You see I have some good new and some bad news. You may want to sit down for this."

Damn. That surprised the shit outta me. I had one thing planned, but wrote something totally different. I started this before I went to work today and I just finished it. I'm so tired, but I had to get this out to y'all today. Hope you enjoy. I like this one, personally. Anyways...

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