I Know...

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Luca's POV

I hate myself.

How could I do this to her, knowing the risks. I don't even have a valid excuse for my behavior. I swore that I would never put her in harms way. But not only did I put Malia in danger, but also her -our- unborn child in danger as well. The council will have a shitload to say about this.

I look up when I hear the door open to see Micah walking back into the room.

He hasn't said anything to me since the day Malia got admitted to the hospital. And that's not an exaggeration. He looks at me all the time, though. The looks are always full of hatred and disgust. The hatred never lasts. It's not in us to hate each other.

Malia either. I know she wants to hate me. I can feel it. When she wakes up, I know for a fact that she's not gonna want anything to do with me, but I'm going to work so hard to earn her forgiveness.

She doesn't know this, but we literally cannot live without her. She's our lifeline and I'll do anything to keep her where she belongs. And that's between Micah and I.

Micah's POV

I hate him.

Or at least I try to hate him. Every time I look at Malia laying in the hospital bed, I can feel the hatred starting up. But then I look at him and it fades away just as quickly as it came.

I haven't said a word to him since the first day. It's hard but I manage. Even though we both know that she's gonna be fine, I'm pissed he put us in this position to begin with, and until Malia has fully forgiven him there's nothing happening between him and I.

Malia's POV

I know that I'm in the hospital. I've known for a couple of days now. It's like I've been awake, but I'm not able to open my eyes. I also know that I suffered from dehydration and all that jazz.

When I became conscious of the things around me, my first thought was 'where am I?' the second thing I thought about was my baby. I could hear the heart monitor going crazy at the thought and so was everybody in the room. Unfortunately it seems that everyone wants to avoid the topic of my child.

Back to the things I know. I know that Micah and Luca are here, and that they rarely ever leave. But I don't really mind. I tried so hard to forget about them and try to hate Luca. But it was literally impossible. I thought about them all the time. From the second I left their house to the second I passed out.

But I'm awake now. Watching Micah and Luca sleep. They look like shit. Luca is on my right and Micah is on my left. I hesitantly raise my hands and place then on their heads, and start to run my hands through their unbelievably soft hair.

Micah was the first to stir.


"Hi, Micah."

"H-Hi. How do you feel?" He asked.

"Uh... okay, I guess. I'm tired."

"Tired? You were out for four weeks!"

"What? That long?"

"Malia?" I look to my right to see Luca looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"Luca." I say flatly, even though all I want to do is pull him as close as possible and never let go. Both of them.

"Do you need anything, baby? Water, an extra pillow, the nurse."

"MY BABY!!" I suddenly scream. Why in the fuck am I just thinking about my unborn child.

"Malia, please calm down." Micah plead.

"What the fuck do you mean 'calm down'? Is my baby okay?"

"Malia you were under a lot of stress, and you weren't taking care of yourself like you should have..."

I burst into tears.

"Wait, I'm not finished. You were under a lot of stress and you weren't taking care of yourself like you should have, but the baby is going to live. But there a really high chance it may have Downs Syndrome."

"Oh thank God! I thought you were gonna tell me I lost my baby." My tears have turned into tears of joy and relief.

"So you're fine with that?"

"Absolutely. A mentally challenged baby is better than no baby at all."

I cried myself to sleep after that. Ya know I've never heard of anybody crying themselves to sleep even though they're happy. And believe me, I am more than happy.

Oh yeah. And I also know, that Micah and Luca aren't human...

Eh... this chapter is all over the place, and I honestly hate it. But... yeah. Just wanted to let you guys know what was going on with the baby.

Don't forget to...
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