Why Me?

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Luca's POV

I knew exactly what Micah was talking about. Malia knew about us being supernatural. I just couldn't wrap my mind around it. Or maybe I didn't want to...

I wanted to be the one to tell her about us. Micah and I were going to tell her together, when the time came. We haven't even made her ours yet.

I also know who told her, which is why I'm not as upset as I would've been had anyone else told her.

Malia's POV

This is all so hard to absorb. I'm sitting in my room thinking about all that the Moon Goddess had told me.

"That's correct. You are not a werewolf. You are my heiress. The next Moon Goddess and Luna of all Weres. "


"Yes child. A Luna is-"

"No no. I know what a Luna is... I just wouldn't be any good in a position like that."

"My Love, It comes to you naturally. You already have the caring heart and understanding of a mother. This is not something you train for."

"But why me?" I question. "What makes me so special?"

"What doesn't make you special? It is your characteristics and the compassion for others- even the ones you don't know- that makes you special.

"So it's just because I'm nice?"

The Moon Goddess sighed out of what seemed to be irritation.

"I'm sorry. I just don't see why I would be chosen for a title like this."

"You will learn soon enough, child."

I feel myself being shaken. I open my eyes to see Luca standing over me. I didn't even remember falling asleep.


"Are you okay?" He asked sounding concerned.

"Yeah why?"

"Micah said that you went to sleep around nine yesterday, it's almost eight o'clock now."

"Really?" I ask, sitting up to stretch.

"Yes really. Now get up."

I groaned, replying, "No, I'm tired."

"Malia, get up."



"NO!" As my temper rose, the furniture started to shake slightly in their places.

Micah burst into the room.

"Luca, leave her the fuck alone. Malia, calm down." He slowly made his way over to me and placed his on both sides of my face and I was instantly calm.

"It's fine, Lia. Calm down."

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me." I say over my sobs.

"No, no it's not your fault. It's just not something you can control yet. You haven't done anything wrong."

"Malia, I'm so sorry. I just wanted you to eat."

"I know, Luca. And I'm so sorry. I'll eat, okay?"


The boys help me out of bed and lead me to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat baby?" Luca asked.

"Hummus and pretzels."


"And beef hotdogs, with ketchup and mustard. And Teddy Grahams."

Luca stares at me for a second before asking "anything else?"

"Oh yes! Apple juice!" I said smiling.

"Coming right up."

And there ya go! I really don't understand why y'all are supporting this shitty ass book. Ain't shit even happened yet and there's been like nine chapters. I wouldn't been stopped reading. 🤷🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ But I greatly appreciate it. I really do. So thank you SO fucking, from the bottom of my heart.

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