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Letting out a sigh I sunk further into my seat trying to avoid the inevitable of going home to a place with no one to welcome me back. I had grown to love and care for the people who worked with me  the ones who made me laugh and sing and forget about the ongoing loss and slaughter that happened every day. now that I think back it was During my first encounter on the field That My true colours and courage began to shine through and as time went by with every fight I won I was rewarded just like the others to the point were even though we sang and laughed it wasnt as real as it had once been.

It was  5 years later on when the war between the supernatural race and demons finally ended. Both sides battled and were reduced with low numbers, and the supernatural happened to win by just a slim chance with the skin of their teeth, now they return to their families if they had any left that was.

I suppose I should tell you who I am

My name is Ivy. And that's all there really is to it. I'm half human, half werewolf. Known as the lowest species on the planet, and when I say low I mean the lowest of the low, Im known throughout the world as a person with dirty blood a low life a mistake or disgrace or simply put a filthy half breed.

In the world I live in humans know what we are, mainly because 80% of the population are slaves to most supernaturals. Which was only introduced 5 years before the war began.

The cab mans eyes flicked up to me in the mirror "everything alright there miss"

I gave a curt nod.

His brown eyes traveled back to the road as I just looked outside at the passing vast dry barren desert land that I call home. I must say I dont mind this cab man, human he might be he doesnt treat me like trash like most others, well maybe because Im the one paying for his services.

And right on cue my little house came into view, the lush green plants I once had now shrivelled up and dead, surprised though I am that they havent turned to dust.. Getting closer the little white block arrived right beside me.

Thanking the driver and paying I got out of the car and walked up the porch with my suitcase in tow. I pulled out my keys that I haven't seen for years from the front pocket of the case and unlocked the door. I had to give it a few shoulder run-ups to get it open though.

Stepping inside I sneezed as the smell of 6 years of dust went up to my nose which coated everything in a thick film.

I walked up the stairs into my room tearing off the sheets and dumping them on the ground. Stripping down so I was in my bra and undies I collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep only to be greeted by past terrors.


"Come on Smugly you've got this don't give up on me now! We're almost there!!"

He groaned as I have him half dangling off my shoulder.

"Hey V. Thanks.. Thanks for coming to get us. But it's too late for me I'm not going to make it leave me here and get away please I beg you." He said as his only arm hung around my shoulder.

"Hell to the fecking no. I came here to get everyone. I'm not leaving you behind for a stupid reason like im going to die anyway. I won't let that happen to you not here, you hear me? you deserve better."

He began crying now. Weeping like a little child. "May the moon bless your soul V."

No words were spoken after that. None of us dared to talk as I heaved him through the enemy prison into the light.

My legs and arms hurt as well as the excruciating pain that now throbs at my head. a gift from one of the many guards.

I could hear the demons stop in the harsh sunlight as they became disorientated a few hundred meters away.

Using up the last of my energy i heave as much as I could to the army truck with all the others waiting nervously inside.

"Help someone please." My mussels broke down and I collapsed.

One of the guys hearing me came out to help but hesitated when he reached out to help Smugly. Stopping he looked at me with so much sorrow.


I tried, I promised him that he would get to be in the light once again.

"V leave him we gotta go." The soldier Garret his name was said to me.

"No, he comes with us. Even if he is dead everyone deserve a proper grave and burial! I had tears of anger steaming down my face as the two men one who was Garret and the other who told me Smugly didn't make it grabbed the fallen soldier and hopped into the back of the truck. Taking the front seat, I drove as fast as I could go, as demons chased alongside us.

I could have saved him. I should have saved him. I was too late. I should have gotten their sooner. I knew what he went through and I didn't get there fast enough.

Was the only thing I thought of in that time.


I snap my eyes open.

Getting up I started to clean my house of the dust to keep my mind pre-occupied. The night terrors would only worsen if I thought of the past and I didn't need that. No not when I was finally free away from it all.

Whilst cleaning the kitchen bench and throwing away all extremely decomposed foods from the fridge and pantry a bang shuddered through the house.

"DOWN! BOMBS GET DOWN NOW" I crouched into a small ball hands over ears screaming my mind racing with eyes squeezed shut. I could see their faces in my mind as bombs began to descend from the sky towards us. Watching in the beginning as people began to be blown apart, the very people who were your friends, the ones you made plans with you after the war. So eventually it became an instinct to shut your eyes to prevent the blood and pain bringing you back to the harsh reality of things that it was idiocy to believe you would complete the plans you made, or have a drink with a friend in 20 years time laughing about the stuff that went down since you last saw one another...

My mind soon began to rest until I finally realized where I was. In the kitchen by the window which had been hit by a small green eye venom bat. Which happened to be the cause of the bang. Although I didn't understand how a creature so small could create such a loud sound I rose and walked towards it until one of its only predictors began to swoop down for the kill. without thinking I opened the window and scooped up the small bat in my hands slamming the window in the Falcons face hopefully knocking it out.

A few hours later I had placed the bat into a tissue box as I assessed it. One of the wings were Broken but that was about it. Leaving it to rest I finished the kitchen before taking a seat and attending to the small critter.

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