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I woke with a start, head pounding and skull throbbing. Smiling to myself I secretly loved the feeling because it meant I couldn't remember what had happened whilst I was drunk the previous night, it also according to the others- seemed to make a great story the following day much to my discomfort. But to be honest the best thing about it was a sleep filled night with no terrors only blackness and peace.

Well that was until I woke up this morning and remembered seeing a pair of dark green striking eyes.

Turning to look at my small alarm clock on the painted bedside table, the soft green light glowed a strong 5am in the morning with a few minutes past.

Deciding it wasn't wise to go back to sleep i stretches out my timid muscles that eventually screamed with satisfaction as I got up and I went to the loo.

By the time I finished my daily necessities I once again turn to the clock fully clothed and read for the day... by now the time read 6am and not a minute over or under. Smiling I decided I'd go and fix myself some food before the others in the house arouse from their own slumbers.

With my mind blank and happy, I began to walk down the stairs and towards the soft glow of the kitchen. I could also hear the guys talking as if they were the only ones in the house.

"Hey guys" I popped my head through the deep dyed wooden door way.

I looked to my left towards a slight shine that had caught my eye finding a fork wedged into the cream coloured wall... weird?

liana started to giggle at my perplexed expression with a look that told me id hear about it later. (Most likely something is done the night before)

The boys though all had worried looks that morphed into grimaces that I hope were meant to be smiles once they saw me. As I walked in Jake handed me over a plate of fried eggs and bacon that teased my senses evilly, making my mouth water.

"What's got all of you in a tizz?." I half-heartedly joke walking over to a seat at the island bench with dark black sparkling stone that would disappear and reappear depending on the angle of light. Tucking into my food I noticed most tolling their eyes at me and smiling.

Once I made them smile for real which was my intent, it was obvious I had broken the tension of a subject that I didn't want to cover and they didn't know how to bring up.

Sadly, I think I've come to miss that part of war... where no one pried too deep into the lives of others.

banishing the thought, knowing that should be happy, I smiled putting up a brave face as they all engaged into conversation that every now turned into a glance to make sure I hadn't disappeared again. I kept smiling trying to reassure them I wasn't going anywhere soon.

Finishing my food, I stood going over to wash my plate before announcing my departure in hope the boys will allow it. "Hey Oliver? M! can you guys give me a tour? I'd love to see where you live?"

Before they could even answer Jake spoke up about why I didn't want to see his home, until liana shut him up about how the sewers aren't a very interesting place making him pout and grumble about and I quote. 'At least I don't smell like one'. Earning him a slap upside the head.

Both men nodded agreeing that they would love to show us their home land. In Doing so I hoped that my chances of meeting a stranger alpha of this pack would reduce dramatically.

Oliver laughs a little when M who was not far behind me, picked me up placing me on his shoulders. Now let me get something straight I'm not short being 5'10 but M! Well he was another story being 6'10 and ridiculously buff meaning - I had to bend down at an awkward angle, so I wouldn't hit my head on the doorways, seems as the rooms were impressively tall. The gang trailed behind M and I as he took the lead each shoving one another around like a litter of puppies.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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