Chapter One, Welcome to The Club

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You waited on the sidewalk for your best friend Sayori, your long time best friend. She was a sweet, innocent and quite a flaky girl. You had been waiting on the sidewalk for what felt like forever until Sayori ran out of her home to you, her uniform was messily put on and she had major bed head. "Sayori, where have you been," you asked Sayori.
      "Sorry haha my alarm didn't uh...go off," Sayori responded.
      Sayori always used that excuse but you didn't say a thing. The two of you walked to school, Sayori talked the whole time but you had a hard time focusing. You didn't know what it was but for some reason today just felt off. Then you soon you snapped back to reality and heard Sayori say she wanted to take you to her club, the Literature Club. You nodded, you had been looking for a club to join so that wasn't a bad idea at all. You and Sayori entered the building said your goodbyes and entered your classes.
      After school you found the Literature Club. You were welcomed by four girls, (Sayori included). The girls, you couldn't lie, were pretty cute to you, there was a girl which was in a few of your classes with a long ponytail and over sized bow, there was a short girl with short pink hair who you assumed was a freshmen, and there was a bustier girl with long purple hair. Sayori then introduced you to everyone, the one with the ponytail was Monika she is the club leader. Then Natsuki the shorter girl, she was surprisingly was a bit older then you assumed. The last girl was Yuri the purple haired one, she was shy and reserved. Each member was different and you were interested to get close to each girl.
      Your stomach grumbled and Sayori then looked at you. "Oh, yea! Natsuki made cupcakes! I'll get them."
       Sayori walked away from the group of girls to grab the cupcakes. Natsuki looked down as Monika spoke "Sayori told us all about you and Natsuki was polite enough to make cupcakes to celebrate your arrival," Monika smiled as she spoke.
      "I-I didn't make them for her!" Natsuki said, flustered.
      You smiled you were enjoying this. "S-so what made you interested i-interested in the l-Literature club," stuttered Yuri.
      You thought for a moment then spoke, "Well Sayori knew that I was looking for a club to join and was polite enough to invite me to try the Literature Club."
      Yuri nodded approvingly at your words. Sayori smiled at you as she set the Tupperware of cupcakes on a desk nearby, then she hugged you tightly. Sayori then whispers into your ear "Thank you for coming, I owe you."
      You smiled, then responded, "No, I owe you."
      Everyone enjoyed their cupcakes and thanked Natsuki. Monika then stood up and clapped her hands together, "Ok, well you're really joining our club right, this is a big commitment!"
      You nodded and stood up and faced Monika, "I commit!"
     Natsuki giggled but as soon as you looked at her she looked down, embarrassed. "Well then, as our first club task together we will, write poems and share them tomorrow!" Monika said with excitement.
      After socializing with each member for awhile the club meeting came to an end. You and Sayori walked home together. After getting home and completing your homework you took a pencil and paper and began to write a poem. You thought about Sayori the whole time, which lead to the poem being incredibly obviously about Sayori. You set the poem aside and got under your covers. "Maybe I have feelings for Sayori," you thought to yourself.
     "No way."
      You shot down any thoughts or feelings you have for Sayori and fell asleep.

Doki Doki Literature Club X Female Reader (Club Members X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now