Chapter Twelve, Twenty Four Hours

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Your Point Of View

     I was incapable of saving Sayori and Natsuki but I will not fail Yuri. I got dressed and ready then I got a text, from Yuri. Yuri had sent me her address. Odd... Monika I assumed had already messed with Yuri, the first time around Yuri wasn't as crazy. I wouldn't let Yuri die at all costs. I biked the way to Yuri's and I let myself in. Yuri was on her bed reading a book. I sat next her. She smiled at me, she seemed normal, did Monika fix her? "Have you eaten breakfast?" asked Yuri.

      I nodded. Yuri smiled then blushed "O-oh I'm sorry I didn't l-let you in!" Yuri said embarrassed.

      "No, No, it's fine!" I said smiling at Yuri.

      Yuri is adorable. "Hey Yuri listen, if you had one day left, what would you do?" I asked.

      Yuri thought "I would spend it with someone I love, I would do things that I won't dare do any other day" Yuri muttered.

      "Ok then Yuri, pretend it's our last day, let's do everything you want!" I said trying to seem happy even though I was concerned that my plan would fail.

      Yuri shook her head, "No people would think me immature and immoral." Yuri said blushing.

      Was she talking about.... "Yuri listen I'm under circumstances you probably wouldn't understand but listen I want to tell you I love you." I said.

      "I-I love you too!" Yuri said as she hugged me, hiding her blush in my shoulder.

      "I have twenty four hours, we can do whatever you want, a few hours before I have to go, there is something special I want to do with you." I said blush spreading across my face.

     Yuri's face turned fifty shades of red, she understood. Yuri pulled her bed cover and invited me to lay next to her. She then grabbed another book off her nightstand, closed the one in her hands then switched them out. She opened the book and she read to me.

Yuri's Point Of  View

      (Y/N) fell asleep while I was reading to her and I smiled at her. She must be stressed, I will make her tea. I slowly got out of the bed and walked downstairs. As I poured the water into the kettle I noticed the knife on the counter. ShInInG, cAlLiNg Me. I let the water boil and I picked the knife up. I removed the bandages that Natsuki placed on my arms and noticed my arms were scabbed. I picked the scabs off then slit the parts of my arms which were clear, blood dropped down my arm. I moaned at the pleasure that the pain gave me, (Y/N) could never see me like this. I covered my arms with my sweater, luckily it was thick so the blood didn't show through.

      I carried my tea set upstairs and set in on my nightstand next to my books. I poured (Y/N) a cup. Her beautiful eyes fluttered open as I slipped back in bed with her. I handed her a tea cup and she began to sip. Being around her gave me almost the same pleasure pain gave me.

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