Chapter Twenty Nine, Nope

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Your Point Of View

A million thoughts swirled in my head. "Who killed her? Why!? Was it Monika?!" I mentally asked myself.

The interrogation went fine, no charges were pressed on me, I was proven innocent, I was. I was mostly afraid of the fact that the killer is still out there and I could be next but I attempted to not think like that. I called up Yuri, too afraid to be home alone, I blushed at the thought of what we had done together and sort of hoped we could do it again. Anyways she told me her and Monika were having a sleepover and that I was welcome to come, so I packed my bags and biked to her house. Yuri's house was always clean and I happened to make it before Monika. I knocked four times on her door until she answered it with a smile. "Oh! (Y/N)! Come in!" the timid girl said with a shy smile.

I walked inside, took my shoes off and placed my bag in the living room. After awhile of small talk Monika arrived, a cheeky grin covered her face when she realized I was there. She walked up to me and gave me a peck on the cheek like the French do. I didn't see it as flirting but Yuri seemed jealous after the fact and Monika seemed amused by that. I sighed when I came to the realization that this was probably how the rest of the night would play out.

      Monika suggested a movie while Yuri suggested a board game. Of course there was tension in the room and they both turned at me with their passive aggressive smiles and anxious voices and asked which I wanted to do. I responded with a weak "I don't mind.".

      Of course my answer was useless but I wasn't willing nor did I have to balls to side with one girl. I didn't want to see the cause and effect, after a few minutes of the girls passively aggressively fighting they came to the conclusion we would play a board game first then watch a movie. I was happy that they finally decided and I finally didn't have to worry about anymore questions that involved me siding with anyone but boy was I wrong. Not only was that a problem but the thought of Sayori's death was also haunting me god I hate this.

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