Chapter 17

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The next day passed and it was night 11.45pm!

Just 15 minute more, and its Aman uncle's birthday.

Adi, Ruhaan, Ruhi and Sonu were tiptoeing to Aman's room. They had strictly warned the elders not to wish him tonight as they want him for the whole night. Their parents laughed and agreed to the kids demand and the four pranksters got ready to implement their plan – SURPRISE for Aman Uncle.

Suddenly Adi stopped them and whispered, "If we open the door, he may wake up! We can take the poolside route. Khushi maasi's room poolside is connected to his'!"

Others nodded and they sneaked into Khushi's room where Arshi were snoring lightly. They laughed softly hearing their snores and sleuthed to the poolside.

Aman was sleeping peacefully when he felt something wet hit his body. He chose to ignore it and murmured something inaudible and drifted into sleep.

But he again felt something wet on his body and slightly opened his eyes. Leaning to the bed table, he switched on the lights and sat up on the bed.

He looked around and found none. He lifted his hand to his cheek where he felt wet and felt some wetness. He then smelt his hand and found it to be a very pleasant smell.

'What is it?" He asked to himself and sat confused when suddenly the MP3 played in the room began to work.

Happy birthday to you....

Happy birthday to you....

Happy birthday to you Aman Uncle...

Happy birthday to you....

Aman chuckled hearing the voice from the MP3 player. It is Rockstar Ruhaan's voice, he knew it!

He looked at the clock and it showed sharp 12.00 am!

He laughed and called out, "Come out pranksters, I know you people are here hiding somewhere!"

No one appeared.

Aman rolled his eyes and called out, "Look, I know how to bring you four out okay?"

Still no one appeared.

And he used his ''Aman uncle technique''.

"Sonu darling...where are you..." Aman sang, "I want to hug you and give a wet noisy kiss on your cheek so that you'll giggle like a baby!"

As he expected, he heard a giggle, beneath his bed.

Aman laughed and bent down on the floor and saw baby Sonu hiding under the bed.

"Got you!" Aman said and pulled her out while she giggled.

"Happy birday (birthday) Aman uncle..." Sonu said cutely.

"Aww...thank you sweetheart!" Aman said giving a wet kiss on her cheek and she giggled.

"Now where are the other three?" Aman asked her and she shrugged indicating she don't know.

Suddenly, the three pranksters jumped out of their hiding space and screamed, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMAN UNCLE!" and squeezed the snow-spray they held in the hand.


In seconds Aman was covered in white snow!

"You pranksters....come here!" Aman screamed and the four pranksters laughed out loud. Sonu slid from his hands and joined her siblings in snow spray attack.

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