5• Poco a Poco

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A/N: Poco a poco: Italian (used in music) means - Little by little.

And I hope you like this other edit of Yoongi. Idk why but he would look good in a drawing. But I don't have much time to draw him so at least I could do some edits on his pic *sniff, sniff* anywaaay, enjoy the chapter.


His soft eyes gazed at me in wonder,"why do you want me to stay and you have many people to take care of you?" He asked.

I was still in my bed, feeling awkward a bit but somehow feeling more comfortable with him around more than those maids that really didn't care much about me but didn't want to lose their jobs. Its not that I hate it or I'm giving them a hard time; I'm not a snobby rich girl who doesn't care about the others, really.

I looked up but didn't dare to face him and said,"its because... They aren't like you."

His eyebrows rose at that.


"N-not.. Like that. I meant, eerr, that.. You aren't faking like them."

I never said my thoughts about them aloud, not even to my parents, but it felt almost natural to tell Yoongi. Well, I guess my fever was messing with my mind. Because I saw him smile at that. That smile that made my heart unknowingly flutter. I didn't even understand why, but it was something I wished I could see more often.

"Faking? So, rich people don't even like their lives??" His cold tone returned but with a slight smirk.

I looked up at the ceiling, blinking away my tears that were about to come out because of the fever, and said, "its not like that. But.. Nothing is perfect, not even my life. It might be more troublesome than yours and you might not even know it. But its not necessary to show it."

"More troublesome?" He scoffed. "I doubt."

I looked back at him and saw that he was looking down, reviving memories, or that's what it looked like.

I gulped, feeling my dry throat hurt.
"You.." I was sceptical, but had to ask anyway because I was too curious. "Why do you teach piano instead of playing it? You're still young and you play it really well. You have a great opportunity to-"

"You don't need to know why," he cut me off sharply. "I'm just your teacher and that is all what you need to know."

Why was he blocking me? Why was he refusing to let out what seemed too heavy to be carried alone. He seemed as if he had held on to it for too long, though.

I looked away again while my tears were already falling, it was always like that when I had fever; the tears would always fall without any reason because of the heat in my body.

Suddenly, my breath went louder and harsher, I couldn't even control it anymore. Yoongi stood fast. But I was still looking at the opposite side so I couldn't hold my shock when he turned my body towards him. He was still standing while he looked at me and put his hand on my forehead again.

"Damn, you're getting worse. You need to see the doctor."

He headed to the door and I wanted to call him but my vision went blurry. I tried to blink the stupid tears away but still only managed to see a blurry figure of Yoongi getting out of my room and dissapearing.

I couldn't help but feel that sharp pain in my chest once he left before falling into deep darkness.


"So.. Is she gonna be okay?" I heard a familiar voice say. Was it my imagination or was that actually Yoongi's voice?

"I think so. Had you not called me by that time, her condition could've become worse." The other voice was merely unfamiliar. But it sounded like an old man's voice.

I tried to open my eyes but my vision was still too blurry to see clearly. I could only make out the outlines of two people, one of them was familiar. Oh, I guess that was Yoongi.

Yoongi moved aside, letting the other guy come closer to me. Somehow, I felt unsafe and wished it was Yoongi who was closer. At least I knew Yoongi.

Although I could barely hear anything, I could still hear the concern in Yoongi's voice as he said,"so, how much does she need to wake up? Is it dangerous??"

"The other figure shook his head,"no, its not. And I don't think she'll stay asleep more than a day. May I ask, are you related to her?"

"Umm.." I noticed the uncertainty in his voice and wished I could say something, but my throat was blocking me from making any possible sound.

"I'm.. Not."

"Oh, then, we should call her parents."

The other guy went away and probably left the room for a bit. And Yoongi's figure came closer now, too close that I could finally see some details. And I felt a pang when I saw the worry in his dark eyes.

"I guess that, poco a poco, you'll get better. I promise I'll try not to be too harsh on you. This is all my fault...."


I opened my eyes slowly, clearly seeing my surroundings. And I saw my mother sitting beside me with worry. But there was no sign of the other guy... Or Yoongi. He was gone.

"D-darling? Are you alright? Oh, I was so worried about you! Why haven't you told us you were sick? Where's that maid, Hee Mun?? I will scold

"Mom," I said weakly. She looked back at me. "Its not her fault. Its mine. I told her I was fine and told her not to call the doctor."

"But... But still-"

"Mom, its fine. Really. You shouldn't blame others for something I did. At least I'm fine now."

I tried to get up but was pushed back gently,"you need to rest, (Y/N), if you stayed like that, I'm afraid I won't let you play in the grand event next week."

I looked at her in worry,"no, mom. Please. Okay, I'll get better. Go get me some medicine, please!"

She chuckled at me and got up, "alright, honey." And went for the door to see out of my room.

... Should I ask?


...Can't I?

No,you can't.

"Mom," she turned to me. "Umm, where is.. Yoongi?"

"Your teacher? I think he didn't come today. He didn't come yesterday either, right? You informed him you were sick, right?"

So, he left before my parents even came?

"...of course."

She smiled sadly at me, "don't worry, honey. You'll go back to training as soon as you get better."

"I hope so."

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