15• Impromptu

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A/N: Impromptu: (French): Improvised.


Whispers echoed through the theater as I locked eyes with Yoongi, forgetting about all my surroundings for a few moments as I felt as though I was melting away in a haze, not even understanding what that feeling was.

His eyebrows rose then knotted as he looked annoyed, gesturing for me to play. I glanced once at my parents who looked a little worried.

They thought I was nervous.

But I hadn't ever felt more confident.

My fingers that finally stopped sweating brushed against the keys softly, and they started playing. But it wasn't the composition I was practicing for months. No, it was one I only heard; Yoongi's. I automatically played the same composition Yoongi had played the first time I met him when I didn't realize he was my new tutor.

Even though I only heard it once, my hands played the same notes almost effortlessly. I closed my eyes, diving into the notes and imagining the look on Yoongi's face right now. I couldn't look him in the eye right now. I only felt nervous at that.

I played the notes, noticing that the whispers had long died away, replaced by mere silence.

What was I even doing? I knew I would regret this, but my fingers couldn't seem to stop.

I finally opened my eyes, pressing the last note, and looked over at Yoongi again who looked too shocked to even speak.

Non of the crowd made any sound. Even after I finished.

I gulped nervously, not knowing what to do.

A loud clap echoed through the crowds, produced by Yoongi. And the crowd slowly followed, cheering at me and clapping hard.

They were appearantly shocked.

My parents were cheering loudly, my mom hugging my dad while looking at me proudly.

I curtsied and exited the stage, heading to where Baekhyun was waiting with a wide smile that never left his face.

"(Y/N)!! You were AMAZING!! I thought you would play that composition you practiced on before. But I was shocked when you played that beautiful composition!!" He said cheerfully.

I nodded,"honestly, I didn't expect it, either. But was I that good?"

He nodded, his smile still visible.

He then held my hand, pulling me to the exit and said,"let's celebrate! You were the last one so I guess the event is probably over!"

"B-but..isn't there like anything after the performances?" I said, looking down at our intertwined hands in embarrassment.

"Yeah, but it's probably gonna be a boring speech from the mayor and those important people. And I can't stay and listen to them, I'm hungry!"

I giggled, looking at his excited childish face.

I nodded as we headed out. And before I could get out, though, I was yanked backwards by my collar.

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