20• Mehr

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A/N: Mehr: (German). More.

And, I'm in love with that song above. Taehyung's voice is just soo djdkkdjj

Anyway.. Enjoy (ᴖ◡ᴖ)♪


You broke every piece of me..

Just like those piano keys,

You played with my heart,

And broke it...

Those lines were the most ones that were stuck in my head. And the tunes of that song were so soft and sweet, yet agonizing. And somehow they felt related to me, making me for some reason feel.. guilty..

Was that possibly Yoongi's note? I saw some of his songs in his house that once. But I couldn't have enough courage to ask him about it. And he never did.

Since that day at the warehouse, the Yoongi I once knew was locking himself away again, but this time it was much harder to reach him and crack that wall of his.

He never joked, never smiled, never commented on anything other than my crappy playing. And it hurt my heart. A lot.

"Why are you dozing off? "

I turned to Baekhyun and faked a smile, "oh, nothing. I'm just thinking of the close Christmas event at school."

"Yeah, me too. I mean, I didn't even volunteer to play in that party but noooo, the teacher just decided to put me in the list."

I gave him a real smile now as we headed towards our first class this day. It was so refreshing to have Baekhyun as my classmate in the English class, although he wasn't that good at English. But he made me forget about all the bad things in my life.

Locking all those thoughts away, we entered the class and sat in our places.

"I hate English," Baekhyun whispered.

"I heard that!" The teacher snapped. And Baekhyun gulped and tried to hide himself in the seat behind mine. And I giggled at him.


Days passed. And I kept repeating the same; Go to school with Baekhyun and Taehyung, his nice friend with the square smile who played the saxophone on that party, then go home, take another dreadful lesson and study.

Today I felt gloomy for some reason as I headed towards the school in the car, wishing for once to have one of my parents to drive me to school instead of the chauffeur.

"Goodbye, miss, " the chauffeur said as I walked out of the car only to be attacked by the usual envious stares of the students.

I sighed, hoping to find Baekhyun real soon. And there he was, waving at me rather excitedly.. More than usual?

"Good morning, (Y/N)-yahh!!" Baekhyun said, followed by another good morning from Taehyung.

I smiled, "Good morning."

"So, how are you feeling???"

"Huh? " now he was acting strange.

"Oh, come on, Baek. You're too obvious." Taehyung sighed. But he too was smiling giddily.

"Guys, what's wrong with you? Seriously."

"HAPPY BIRTHDAAAYY!!! " They burst out.

"Huh?? " Birthday?? "My birthday?? "

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