Chapter Four

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Later that day I got home and decided to bum out and watch TV until my mom got back form work. I changed into my black yoga pants and a tank top then put my hair into a messy bun. On my way to the living area I stopped in the kitchen and grabbed a soda. 

My mind ran back on today and I still can't process it. I never expected to get into it with Samantha; I've always steered clear of her ever since my first couple days of school. What the hell was up with Brandon today? Standing up for me like that. I know his sick little game to try and get into my pants, I mean I even heard him say it to my brother. 

Ugh. My brother. When did he start being such an asshole? I remembered when he was the bookworm at our last high school and stayed by himself. Now all of a sudden he's Mr. Popular. 

I flipped through the channels on TV hoping to find something good. I settled on watching Property Brothers for a while then found myself drifting off into sleep. 

I woke later on with the TV light flashing in the darkness. I rubbed my burning eyes and switched off the TV. 

"Mom?" I called out hoping to see her. When I heard no answer I got up and went to the kitchen. I saw a covered plate of food on the table and my stomach growled instantly. 

How long have I been out? I glanced at the small clock on the counter and saw it was eleven. I did a double take and rushed to the stairs to reach my room and my phone. As I got to the middle step the front door opened and I whipped around. I saw my mom with her tongue down someones throat and it wasn't Greg. She tripped over the shoes there and broke the kiss. She looked up and saw me, instantly her eyes went wide. 

"Kate!" She says nervously. I just realized she was still in her work clothes. 

"Are you just coming from work?" Confusion was evident in my voice. 

"Uh, yeah. Kinda." She scratches her head. I nodded and rushed back up the steps before it got more awkward than it already was. 

I plopped down on my bed and checked my phone. I had three messages from Patricia and fortunately they were sent only fifteen minutes ago. 

Hey! Wanna come over tonight? Daddy is gone on some conference thing. Ugh. 

Wait, never mind. He just came back haha. 

Fuck it, get dressed. We're going out. Coming for you in twenty. xoxo

Twenty! That only gave me five minutes to pull a quickie shower and drag on something. I ran to the shower and did the best I could then I searched my closet for something casual but still dressy. I slipped on a pair of dark skinny jeans, a tank top and my navy blue cardigan. I could always do my hair in her car. 

True to her word, Patricia pulls up across the street and I grab my purse and phone and head downstairs. I still saw my mom at the door with her date and I grabbed a pair of my black peep toe wedges and squeeze passed them. 

"Woah there, young lady. Where are you going?" 

"Um, I'm going with Patricia to catch a movie." I lied. I honestly had no idea where she was going; only that we were going 'out'. 

"This late?" She raised an eyebrow. 

"Yeah, mom. Movies show at all times. Don't over think it. I'll be back." I said and rushed down the small stairs of the porch. 

"Okay..." She said a little uneasy and then I heard the deep voice of her date say something and walked faster. 

"Drive before she comes over." I tell Patricia as I got in the passenger seat. She laughed and stepped on the gas. 

"Where are the others?" I asked and turned on the roof light. I took my lipstick and applied it while looking in the rear view mirror. 

"Picking them up on the way." I rubbed my lips together to even out the lipstick and nod. I carefully ran the silver eyeliner along each eye to make my green eyes pop. 

"Where are we going?" 

"Some random number texted me saying there's a house party." She shrugs.

"On a Wednesday night?" 

"Yeah, he sent me the address. It looks like a mass text though." She stopped at the red light. 

I just realized she was wearing a pink shorts with a thin tank top tucked into it. 

"Dude, I'm not dressed for a party." 

"Yes, you are. Believe me." She looks at me then reconsiders. "Lose the cardigan." The light goes green and she steps on the gas. 

I instantly take off the cardigan and she glimpses my simple tank top. "Maybe we'll find a shirt at Phoebe's." she laughs. 

"It's not that bad." I pout and she laughs harder. She turns into a neighbour hood and stops at the fourth house on the right. Phoebe's house.

Once in her room, they lay out clothes all over her bed for me to pick. 

"The jeans are cute but not for a party. I mean you'll get hot and feel all claustrophobic." She over exaggerates. "So, its either shorts or a skirt." 

I choose the floral shorts that stops mid thigh and a sheer white top that gently flows over it. They then put my hair into a high bun.

"So much better." Phoebe smiled at me in the mirror. I actually do look better, sexy even. 

"Thanks guys, I'm still a little new to this." 

"Honey, you've known us for two years. It should be in your subconscious by now." She laughs and I can't help but to grin. 

Phoebe went and got dressed in a short red dress that stopped at her mid thigh. She fluffed her already curly hair and quickly ran some eyeliner on and a gorgeous shade of red lipstick. 

"Let's get Jill." Patricia looked up from her phone and her eyes go wide at the sight of Phoebe. "Always steal the spotlight huh?" she joked. 

Phoebe shrugs and answers. "But of course. Plus I read that bright or deep red gives a woman some extra sex appeal." She admired herself then walked out. We follow behind her and soon enough we picked up Jill who wore a blue simple romper and flats. 

"I hate you." I say to her and she laughs. Even in a simple romper she looks amazing. 

"It has pockets." she whispers to me and I shoot her a glare. 

"My weakness." I clutched my chest in fake agony and she laughed. 

After what seemed like twenty minutes we finally arrived at the house party and got out, There were people already passed out on the lawn and I even saw some on the roof of the two story home. The bass from the music rocked the house and even the cars. Some girls walked by me and looked me up and down then laughed. 

I was way out of my league here. 

As if reading my mind Phoebe commented. "Don't feel any way. It's the first time you're going to a party like this. There's gonna be some amount of staring." She puts her arm around me. "You'll be fine." I nod. 

"Let's get wasted." Jill grins and I take a deep breath and step towards the front door. 

Thank you so much for reading!

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Pic of Phoebe on the right ! :)

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