Chapter Nine

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Picture of Patricia --------->>>>>>>>>>

When I woke the next morning, it was there again. An envelope on my night table. I already knew what was in it so I went straight for my bathroom. I got in the shower and sighed at the instant contact of the hot water. I was washing my hair when it finally dawned on me.

It was Sunday.

Prom was literally in a week.

Oh, and the fact that I was home alone.

On a Sunday.

I made my way downstairs after my shower and got started on breakfast. Maybe my mom would stumble in at any moment or Kevin would magically appear out of his room and eat at the table with me.

I was wrong again. I sat alone at the table with my bacon, eggs and coffee. Where the fuck was everyone?

My phone buzzed beside me and I read the text.

Business conference, forgot to tell you. Be home tomorrow!

How nice of my mother to finally contact me. I locked my phone and threw it on the table.

I don't know what's going on. I know she's dating but how serious could it really be? What was up with Kevin?

I needed answers, answers I knew I wouldn't get.

Sighing, I ran upstairs and threw on a pair of sweats, a tank top and went straight out the door with my iPod in hand and earphones in my ear. I put it on shuffle and walked down my block.

I jogged a little until I worked my way into a light sprint. The wind hit my face and I felt myself going faster as the thoughts consumed me.

How could so much change in such a little time? My dad had gotten ill so suddenly that it didn't even register until he was deteriorating right in front of us. My brother and I had taken his death so hard that it caused us to move just to get a change of scenery.

He went peacefully; in his sleep on a calm Sunday morning. It haunts me every night that we couldn't help him. It made me especially feel so useless. Even though Kev and I are twins, I knew I was daddy's girl; his little princess. To have him leave so suddenly still has me dazed. He was always the one to play peace maker when it came to Kev and I. Without him now, I felt so lost when it came to Kevin.

Sadly, a part of me hoped that it wasn't real, wished on everything I could that I would wake from this unfortunate dream but as I came to realize; you never get what you want, only what life throws at you.

That thought made me so fucking angry. Why did he have to go? My father has never done one bad thing in his life! Why!

I felt my feet move on their own accord and I was sprinting down the neighbourhood looking like a theif. I was entering what was called the runner's high. God, it felt amazing. I felt free.

My freedom came to a halt as I almost ran into a car at the intersection.

"Hey, watch it!" The guy yelled at me.

"Sorry, I didn't notice." My breath came out fast and heavy.

"You okay? Are you running from something?" The man peered behind me. I noticed that he was a very good looking guy, somewhere in his mid twenties or less.

"I'm fine." I said then turned around.

"Hey, wait!" He came out of his car. "I didn't get your name."

"Kate. You?"

"Cole." We shook hands. "Can I take you out? I mean it's not everyday I see a pretty girl like you run into my car."

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