Chapter Fifteen

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Talking; that's always the hardest thing. Whether you're working up the courage to ask someone out, trying desperately to keep a conversation going or in this case... telling someone you no longer have feelings for them.

I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted at the moment. I cared for Derek but then again we hardly knew each other and on the other hand I know I should stay away from Brandon but I can't!

It was like I was addicted to him. Addicted to his smell, his voice, his touch.

So much that I was in his art room because he was ignoring me and a part of me was hiding from Derek too. I know I should confront him and let him know how I felt but I couldn't force myself to move. Instead, I stared at Brandon's paintings and portraits. He was amazingly talented.

There was a canvas that was covered with a white sheet in the corner. My curiosity peaked and I slowly went over to it. What would he be hiding? All his other art work was on display; even the unfinished ones. What was so special about this one.

I stepped closer and froze in my spot as I heard the door open. I quickly turned and saw Derek in the doorway.

The bass of the music downstairs diffused into the room and my heart beat along with it.

"Kate! Oh my god. I didn't think I'd see you here." He came over and enveloped me in a bear hug.

I remained quiet, trying to get my thoughts together.

"I was going to call you but it slipped my mind." He ran his hand through his hair. "You know, exams and stuff."

"Thats okay. I was a bit busy too." Falling for someone else.

He grinned at me. "Let's go downstairs." he held my hand. "Or... we can stay up here?" His tone was suggestive and my stomach dropped.

I initially had planned on sharing my innocence with Derek at his college- well our college since I'll be going there too. Now, I doubt I can even kiss him without feeling guilty towards Brandon.

I didn't want to give him the wrong idea but I also didn't want to rub him in Brandon's face.

"Let's go down." I went ahead of him. I chose the safest option. There's no way I was gonna risk Brandon walking in on us and getting the wrong idea.

Again I ask, when did my life become so complicated?

I had no idea downstairs was this full. I could barely get through the crowd without having to push people out of my way. Derek was close behind but not close enough. Some guy grabbed my ass and pulled me against his chest.

"Hey cutie, let's get outta here." He causally whispered in my ear.

"No thanks." I pushed at his chest but he didn't loosen his grip.

I looked around and I didn't see Derek. Great.

I pushed again but he wouldn't budge. He held me closer and rolled his hips so that I would feel him. My eyes widened in fear that he was dead serious.

"She said no." An all too familiar voice said behind me. I turned to see Brandon staring at this guy with dark eyes. I breathed a sigh of relief and he let me go and mumbled an apology.

Brandon grabbed my hand and pulled me outside towards the gazebo. The very same gazebo we were in almost three weeks ago.

"Thank you." I wrapped my arms around him.

He sighed and rest his chin on top of my head. "What are you doing to me?"

"What do you mean?"

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