Chapter Ten

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The next day was a blur. I barely paid attention in class and I didn't even notice when my friends were trying to talk to me. How could so much change in two weeks?

"Earth to Kate!" Phoebe yelled at me in annoyance.

I snapped out of my trance and looked at her. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

"What's up with you lately? You've been distant."

I shook my head. "Just some stuff happening."

Both Patricia and Jill looked at me intensely. "Good or bad stuff?"


They all nodded; understanding that I didn't want to talk about it at the moment but I promised them I would tell them when I'm ready.

"Are you still coming to prom?" Patricia asked me.

"Yeah, definitely." I offered her a smile which she returned to me.

"Okay, good. I got the rooms booked already and the limo will pick us up."

"Rooms?" I asked her.

"Yeah, just in case we might want to crash... Or get lucky." She winked.

I instantly blushed. There was no hiding that I wanted to give Derek my virginity on prom night. Cliché right?

But I figured why not, sometimes I feel like I'm in love with him but my friends would tell me that it's infatuation instead. Maybe they're right.

I think I love Derek but yet, I feel something whenever Brandon and I are together. It's so strange; I hated his guts two weeks ago!

But now, now I don't know what I feel towards him. Is that bad?

I sighed out loud. "I don't feel so good. I think I might head home early." I informed them.

"Are you gonna get a pass?"

"Nah, they won't even notice plus I only have one class left." I waved them goodbye and left.

I decided to walk home from school and clear my mind. Kids my age should not be confused and I was beyond confused at the moment.

How would I help Kevin without calling the cops? Will my mom ever come home?

Find out next week on Life With Kate! 

As soon as I got home I took a shower and had a nap. Yes, I yearn for my afternoon naps. They're so refreshing and I find that I can't function without it. When I woke I heard noises downstairs and I thought it might be Kevin again.

I descended the stairs to see my mom kissing some dude at the front door.

I cleared my throat to get her attention and she turned around, surprised.

"Kate! Good, you're home. This is Joshua." She gestured towards the tall, blonde man beside her. He looked somewhere between forty five to fifty years old.

I ignored the man and returned my attention to her. "Where have you been?" 

"After my conference, Joshua had asked me to have dinner at his house and it got so late that I couldn't drive home."

"No. You've been gone for a week. Not just last weekend."

"I've been sleeping at the office."

"And you didn't think it would be okay to check in on your kids? To find out how they were getting money or how they were getting dinner?" Anger rose in my voice.  Now I understood why Kevin was always so angry at her.

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