Chapter Five

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We entered the house and it was packed. People were everywhere; drinking, smoking and dancing on the table tops to Chris Brown's song 'Loyal'. Patricia dragged me into another room where people were playing what I assumed were drinking games. I sat on the couch while all three of them went to get drinks. This was my first experience at a house party and it was... different.

How do people not get claustrophobic? In the other room was packed like a sardine tin and they were drinking which I assumed based in Biology, makes your body heat up. Hot and crowded. Not a good combo for me.

"Hey, let's play a game." Phoebe said when they got back. She glanced over the other side of the room and smiled. "This will be fun." She dragged me with her.

We all sat around a table with some other people taking shots. "Kate, you know this game right?" I shook my head. "Oh c'mon, you watch movies. Someone will state something they've never done and everyone who did it has to take a shot." She explained. Oh my. This should be easy since I haven't done much. I looked around and realized I don't know anybody around the table.

"Do they go to our school?" I whispered to Patricia.

"No, we're at a college house party."

"College?" My eyes popped out.

"Shh." she instructed me and I kept quiet. The song changed to 'Show Me' by Kid Ink and I heard girls from the other room singing aloud.

"Let's start with something easy." A very cute guy with brown curly hair said. "I have never had a threesome."

Everyone looked at each other and I saw Phoebe and another girl take a shot. My mouth was wide open at this fact. She shrugged and smiled.

"I have never given a blow job." A petite blond girl stated. I saw almost every girl take a shot except Jill and I. Oh my God. I don't want to know about my friends sex life.

"I've never kissed a girl." Patricia said and Phoebe took a shot. We all looked at her and she smiled sheepishly.

"I've never went skinny dipping." Oh, well I've done that. I took a shot of the vodka and felt the bitter liquid slide down my throat and burn. That was the first shot I ever took and somehow I felt less tense.

After a few more confessions it was my turn. "Um... I have never had sex." They were college kids, they didn't know me.

I heard a few gasps and instantly regretted my confession. Everyone took a shot and shook their head. "Ever?" someone suddenly asked me.

"Ever." I repeated.

"Not even like, fingered?"

I blushed and shook my head.

Someone was about to say something else when the music changed to 'NaNa' by Trey Songz and the girls went crazy again.

"Oh nana, look what you done started!" Everyone screamed and went crazy; grinding on each other and some twerking.

I took this opportunity to slip away and go into the kitchen for a drink. A few guys standing near a keg poured me a drink in a red cup. I nodded to thank them and bumped into someone as I turned around.

"Ugh." I said as the liquid splashed on me. I looked up and saw Brandon.

"Watch where you're going." He said bitterly.

"You bumped into me asshole!" I found my voice.

Suddenly his features went soft and recognition hit him, "Kate? What are you doing here?"

"With friends, why are you here?"

"My brother is the one who threw this party. You shouldn't be here." He said firmly.

"Your brother attends this college?" I asked, avoiding his warning.

"Yeah. Its loud in here, let's go somewhere where we can talk." His brown eyes looked down at me.

My gut told me no but I went anyway for the heck of it. He led me outside to a little gazebo and we sat.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked him.

"About that movie date."

"Why? You've done nothing but make fun of me and don't tell me its because you 'want to get to know me better'."

He smiled and for a second there my heart fluttered a little.

"I just wanted to make up for my actions."

I scoffed. "I heard you when you talked to my brother. Its a game to you and I'm not playing." I rose from my seat and began to walk away when he grabbed my arm.

"Wait..." I heard him say.

I stood there quiet, my face inches away from his. Deep down I wanted to kiss him just to do something out of impulse since my friends are always saying I'm too stuck up but my heart knew better and I turned away and his lips touched the side of my mouth.

"It's not a game anymore." A finger went under my chin to lift my face to his.

"I don't believe you. You're mean to me."

"I know and I'm sorry. I want to show you that I'm a good person underneath." He tucked a piece of my hair that had escaped my bun behind my ears.

"You are so full of shit." I turned away again and faced the house.

"What are you afraid of? Give me the chance." I crossed my arms and groaned.

He says the right things, he always says the right things because that's what he does. That's his whole game. Does my brother know that he's an asshole for doing this to girls?

The thought just dawned on me that my brother might be here too. He would definitely tell my mom I wasn't at the movies. Shit.

"Is my brother here?"

"No, he doesn't know I'm here."

I nodded and looked at the scenery in front of me. The lush green grass spread at least a couple feet towards the back door; people were sprawled off and staring at the stars and some were just passed out. I felt an arm around my waist and I quickly removed his hand and walked away with him calling my name. I found the other three inside at the same spot chatting away with everyone.

"Kate! I looked everywhere for you." Phoebe said.

"I was, uh, in the bathroom."

"Okay, this is John and he's been asking about you." she winked.

He doesn't even know me.

"Hey, I'm Kate." I shook his hand.

"So, what dorm hall are you in back at school?" His blue eyes looked at me.

"Oh no, I'm not in-" I stopped mid sentence as I saw someone appear in the doorway. His green eyes found mine and he smiled. He made his way over and ran his hand through his blonde hair which was gelled to stay up.

"Finally." He said to me.

"Derek?" Surprise filled my voice and I practically jumped into his arms.

I looked back at my friends and their expression was of pure confusion.

"Guys, this is Derek. My boyfriend." I smiled and looked up at him.

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