Chapter Fourteen

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It was now Thursday mid day and I was having lunch with my girls. I decided now would be the best time to just lay it all out in the table; knowing - and hoping- they would still accept me for who I am.

"Kate? Why did some guy answer your phone when I called? It didn't even sound like your brother." Jill asked.

"Someone stole my phone." I easily lied. "Did you find out who answered?"

"Oh my god I'm so sorry. And yeah, after I asked for you his tone went from confused to mellow. Fucking weird." She dipped her French fry in ketchup and ate it.

"Fries are bad for you." Patricia interrupted.

Jill rolled her eyes and continued. "Does the name Cole ring a bell? He said to tell you hi so I figured you left your phone with one of Kevin's friends."

Instantly my blood ran cold and goosebumps appeared. Cole had my phone.

How in hell did he get it before the cops found it?

"Nope. That's definitely weird." I brushed it off. Maybe now was not a good time to drag them into this mess. "He sounds like a creep so ignore him at all costs."

"Will do!" She ate another fry. "What's the plans for Saturday?" She looked at all of us.

Patricia was deep in her physics text book while Phoebe was busy texting. I, on the other hand, looked down at my lap to hide the blush that crept up my cheeks. Thinking about prom made me think about Brandon which made me think about Derek.

I inwardly groaned.

"Pat, why are you even studying? Exams are over and prom is literally tomorrow!" Jill snatched her book away.

"Hey!" She yelled while trying to get back the book. "I'm not studying for a test, I'm studying so I can strike up a conversation with Kyle!" She whisper yelled that last part.

Suddenly everybody's attention was on her and we all smirked. Patricia never got riled up about a guy like that nor did she go to lengths in order to impress him.

"Sweetheart, if he can't accept who you are then he's not worth it." Jill held her hand. "Just go and talk to him."

"You know, I heard smart guys are a-ma-zing in bed." Phoebe commented. "It's like they know what you want without you telling them."

"You heard, huh?" Jill teased.

"It's the truth! Their aim is to please us even if they're not pleased themselves. Unlike these players who only wants a quick lay." She said that last part bitterly.

"Whoa, back up. Who played you?" I asked, observing the way her face fell.

She sighed. "This guy I met at a college party. He was super sweet at first and he didn't even want sex!" She sat up in her chair. "So we started talking - even after the party we kept in touch and I thought 'wow, maybe I could like this relationship thing'." She shook her head.

"Wait a minute. How much stuff am I missing out on?" I asked the rest who seemed to already know the story.

"Baby girl, you've been MIA lately." Patricia told me.

It was true. I had been so wrapped up with Brandon that I completely neglected my girls who had been there for me since I got here.

"I'm so sorry. I'm here now. Tell me everything." I urged them and once I saw three smiles in my direction, I knew they had forgiven me.


By the time art class had rolled around, I was nervous to see Brandon. Even though I spent all day with him yesterday, I missed him.

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