MYG {i'll protect you} MYG

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*your point of view*
You sat in the bath, with your head on your knees and tears streaming down your face; you realised how bad the damage to your body was. Purple bruises were dotted over you ribs, arms and neck, so large that they could only have been made by large objects hitting you with force and at speed. Cuts and slashes that were still slightly bleeding were scattered over the same areas. You sobbed quietly to yourself, too absorbed in you thoughts to hear your loving boyfriend, Min Yoongi enter the bathroom.

"Hey, Y/N, can I just grab th-", he stopped dead, and dropped to his knees in front of his fragile girl/boyfriend. "What happened to you?", he said worriedly with just a hint of anger in his voice. Not at you, of course, at whoever did this to the most precious thing in his life. His care only made you cry more, feeling ashamed because of him seeing you like this. "Come on, lets get you out, babe", he said reaching into the water to lift you out. "Yah! This water is freezing! How long have you been in here, Y/N? You'll get ill", he remarked, lifting you out of the water, and wrapping you in warm, fluffy towels.

He set you gently on the bed, and wrapped you in his warm embrace. "What happened, Y/N?", he asked again. This time you replied, as you had gathered yourself together a bit. "I went back to my parents house, so I could collect the last of my stuff so that I could properly move in with you. I thought they would be out, so I could just sneak in, grab my stuff and go, but they were in". You sniffled, fighting back tears. "My father started shouting at me, telling me that I was a common slut for being with you, and that you were just a good-for-nothing layabout, who only wanted me for sex. He started throwing books and other things at me, and then my mother joined in, calling me a whore and a slag, and smashed the end of the vodka bottle in her hand, and she started slicing me. I ran out there as soon as I could get away from them, but I should've known better than to go there in the first place", you rounded off, fat tears spilling down your red cheeks.

"I hope in no way you are suggesting that this is your fault. This is abuse, Y/N! And you are in no way a slut, a whore or a slag, you are my precious angel who must be protected at all costs. I love you very much, Y/N, and I hope you know that I want you for more than just sex. Yeah, sex is great and all, but I love you because of your personality, and your looks and body are just an added extra! As for you parents, I don't think it's safe for you to visit them, nor me because I don't know if I could control my temper after what they have said and done to you. Aish, they really don't like me then, hey?", he said, his little speech overwhelming you with emotion.

Before Yoongi, nobody had shown you love or care, your parents beat you up regularly and you were bullied at school. He was your rock, your everything, and you loved him with all your heart. You began to feel drowsy, and Yoongi noticed your change in behaviour, fetched you some warm, comfortable pyjamas. He helped you slip into him, then pulled you onto the bed with him, smothering you both in a thick, warm duvet. You turned into him, you face in his chest, inhaling his glorious scent; your hands over his shoulder and in his luscious hair. His arms were around your waist, his head resting on yours, his gentle hands stroking your hair lovingly.

"I love you, thank you for being here for me", you mumbled into his chest. "I love you too, babe. I'll protect you from your parents, or anyone else who dares to try and hurt the light of my life", came his reply, in his husky voice, one of the many things you loved about him. All your dread and worries melted away after these words, and you feel into a deep, peaceful in the arms of the man you loved.

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