KNJ {role reversal} KNJ (request)

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You had bundled up all the dirty laundry from yours and your boyfriends room to take down stairs so that, quite obviously, you could do the clothes washing for this week. Whilst trying to keep everything together in your arms, you were trying to peer over the top of all the dirty clothes. How could there be so much washing to do? There was only two of you. Pushing that thought aside, you began to make your way down the stairs.

However, a sock that was apparently intending to be the death of you slipped out of your grasp and fell in exactly the right place that would mean that, due to the rhythm and way that you were walking, it was inevitable that you would slip on it. Not seeing the sock due to the precarious mountain of clothes in your hand, you fell, bumping down the stairs. Each blow was a little more painful than the last, but by far it was the final tumble that hurt the most.

As if falling down thirteen stairs wasn't enough, the last step caused you to be thrown onto the hard wood floor and hit you head on the wall. Suffice to say, your injuries were quite prolific for falling down the stairs. You had carpet burn on you hands and face, little cuts and scratches from bejewelled items of clothing that were once in your hands but now strewn all down the stairs, bruises were already blooming and you had a bleeding nose due to hitting you head so hard.

As you sat there dazed, your boyfriend came hurtling down the hallway, concerned by all the noise. "Oh my goodness, Y/N! Are you ok? Come here", he said ever so gently, lifting you up from underneath your armpits and pulling you up into a tight, but not so tight that it hurt, hug.

You sniffled into his shoulder as the pain finally broke through you disoriented mind. Knowing that you had probably hurt you legs in the fall, he picked you up bridal style and carried you through to the lounge, where he slowly lowered himself and you onto the sofa as not to hurt you. Once he had arranged himself in such a way that he was able to cradle you and be in comfort himself, he began to wipe your tears off your cheeks with the back of his thumb.

"That was quite a tumble", he whispered whilst gazing down at you. All you did was hum in agreement, not particularly wanting to move your sore body. "You need to be more careful you silly noodle, I can't have you going and doing serious damage to the house can I?", he said, cracking a joke in hopes of cheering  you up. Namjoon bebt down and placed a tender kiss on your forehead, then your nose and and last but not last, your lips.

The kiss was a tad salty due to your tears, but that didn't matter to either one of you. "Sorry Joonie", you said avoiding his eyes, "You probably have things you ought to be getting on with, I'll go and clear up the mess that I've made". All Namjoon did was shake his head in disbelief, and look down at you with a frown. "You will be doing no such thing. I will be looking after you for the rest of the day, as you are far more important than anything else that could be being done right now. In fact, I'm not happy that you fell down the stairs, but I'm happy that I get to care for my precious baby all evening, just like you do for me when i hurt myself!", he exclaimed with a cute smile plastered on his face, showing of his dimples.

You giggled slightly, how could you say no to him? You couldn't, and so you let him take care of you. He went through to the kitchen to fetch the medical kit, and once he came back, began to treat your cuts with ointment and bandage you up. With each little injury he found, a soft kiss would be placed in your skin with his plump, warm lips.

Of course this goof wouldn't let you walk for yourself, so he carried you through the kitchen when you asked if you could have a drink. After handing you the cup of hot chocolate that he had made, he proposed the idea of ordering a take away, "as you know how well cooking usually goes" for him. You nodded in agreement, and felt the strong arms you were so used to wrap round you again, and hold you in embrace that you loved.

Whilst you waited for the food, you decided to reap together, so you were carried back through to the lounge and placed onto the sofa. When Joon went to go and fetch the books off your bedside tables, you couldn't help but admire what a caring human you had as your own. He walked in to find you smiling to yourself, which, in turn, made him smile. "What are you think about?", he asked, only to get the reply: "You".  Your answer made him blush, which looked ever so endearing, and when he came and sat next to you, you couldn't refrain yourself from giving him a kiss and locking your hands together. He shifted you onto his lap and kissed the top of your head in return.

The moments leading up to your food being arrived were both of yours idea of bliss: being together with one another, being close to each other and doing what you both loved, together. After a good half an hour of peaceful reading your food was delivered, which Namjoon gratefully accepted from the delivery boy, and on his way back to the lounge, stopped via the kitchen to grab a couple of plates and some chopsticks. He placed all the steaming food onto the coffee table, and fetched the remote to turn on the television 

Satisfied by the choice of entertainment on the screen, he sat down next to you and you both ate hungrily. Upon finishing the food, the two of you snuggled up together, draping a blanket over your legs. Soon, you began to feel drowsy, and let Joon's steadying breathing and the fingers playing with hair lull you into a comfortable and sound sleep.


well it looks like i've actually got around to doing something.... i really enjoyed writing this one, i think it's because i related because i am the queen of falling downstairs.
ANYWAY HAPPY TWO YEARS AGUST D!!  sorry but like the v i s u a l s in the music video and the rap OH LORD THE RAP. not to mention the fact that Tony Montana (also known as Yoonmin national anthem due to that amazing recreation onstage) is a whole kink jesus christ. the whole mixtape is just yesssss.
alsooooo, i don't think i've mentioned them on here before but go. and. stan. stray. kids. you will not be disappointed i PROMISE you. i started standing like january time and i do not regret a single thing. because they're a new group it'll give me the chance to see them grow and progress just like i did with bts and honestly it's such a proud feeling. all the members are so cute and adorable  PLUS TWO OF THEM ARE AUSTRALIAN AND THY HAVE THE MOST GORGEOUS ACCENTS. so of course it's up to you, but i would orecommend to stan them, and i guess you can just find more out about them in your own time. (ps my bias is Jisung)
have a nice dayyyyyy

BTS Fluff Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon