PJM {together again} PJM (request)

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"Joohyun! Stop looking over my shoulder! Why do you want to see who I'm messaging anyway?You know it's only the boys", Jimin exclaimed. He was getting fed up of Joohyun constantly hovering over his shoulder, glaring down at his phone, as if she was willing him on to do something that she thought was out of place.

Joohyun sighed, "It's always the boys! The boys this! The boys that! I think you're lying to me". Jimin looked up at her, absolutely dumbfounded. "You mean to say... You think I'm cheating on you?", Jimin said softly, and Joohyun nodded slightly, not wanting to admit her fears. Her suggestion had clearly upset him, he had flushed a light pink and tears were threatening to spill.

"You go away for months on end! You don't get home till late at night! You're always on you phone! What am I supposed to think?", Joohyun said, her voice beginning to crack at the end of her statement. "You know I can't control my schedule. You also know that I go away on months on end to go on tours, I stay late at the studio to practice for our comeback, and I'm on my phone because... well if you're going to be like this, I may as well tell you. The boys and I were planning a surprise party for your birthday. Where has your trust gone? I thought we were supposed to love and trust each other, and now you're accusing me of cheating . You know I would never, ever do anything like that", Jimin almost whispered, he was not one to raise his voice. The tears that had been in his eyes were now running freely down his face.

"Jimin... I think it's best we take a break. You don't give me any attention anymore. I'll talk to you later", Joohyun said, turning away from him, her hand resting on the door knob. She faced away from Jimin, not wanting him to see the tears on her cheeks. "No, Joohyun, please don't leave me (DON' T LEAVE, ME I BELIEVE 走り出す. sorry about that folks), I love you", Jimin sobbed, gobsmacked at the scene that had just unfolded.

But it was too late, Joohyun had already left and Jimin was left sitting alone on the sofa, quietly sobbing to himself. He was sat there until the boys returned from the amusement park that they had been to. Jimin wished he had gone with them, instead of planning to stay in and watch films with Joohyun.

(Five days later)
"Do you think we should check up on Jimin? He's not been himself after what happened with Joohyun, I don't think that he's eating well either", Yoongi said, addressing the boys one day after practice. Jimin has fled as soon as he could, returning to his room in the dorms as soon possible. This is how it had been for the past few days, and now everyone was getting worried, including the staff and Bang Pd Nim.
His predicament was quite serious.

He had not been eating well, sleeping well and his eyes were constantly red, swollen and puffy.

He was broken.

Just as the boys stood up to leave, Tae's phone rang. It was Sooyoung. "Sorry to bother you but I'm really worried about Joohyun. She's not eating anything, she's not sleeping and she keeps telling us she regrets what she did", Sooyoung said, the worry in her voice clear, due to its shaky nature. Tae had put the call on loud speaker, and the boys were all looking at each other with a look of unspoken understanding.

"Funnily enough", Tae began, "That is the exact same way Jimin is behaving. Maybe we should try and get them to meet up together?". A shriek was heard in the background, and the sound of the phone being grabbed came through the speaker. "Do you really think you could do that? I'm so sorry, I really am". It was Joohyun. It was obvious that she was crying, and that she was extremely tired. "I know you are, and we will try our best to get Jimin to meet with you. Honestly, I don't think it'll be that hard, he misses you as much as you miss him, but I'm not promising anything. Is eight ok?", Taehyung said.

"Anytime is perfect. Thank you, thank you all so much", Joohyun said, sniffling. "We'll always do what think is best for you and Jiminie", Jungkook said lightly, and with that the call was ended.

"So", said Jin, "I'll be the one to tell Jimin that she's coming over, and Joon and Hobi can tidy as him and I talk, because I guarantee his room will be messy. Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi, you can bring all the spare blankets, pillows and comfort food into his room because it has to be as calm and comfortable as possible. Ok?". Everyone nodded.
When Jin told Jimin about the plan, the younger boy burst into grateful tears. "Thank you, hyung. Thank you everyone". On the orders of Jin, he took a shower, and changed into some comfortable clothes, and made his bed nice and neatly.

Eight o'clock rolled around, and Jimin was sit in his room in anticipation. Joohyun arrived, red-eyes and weary, and timidly knocked on Jimin's door. After a brief tense moment, they both enveloped each other in a tight hug, saying how much they missed each other, how sorry they were and how they loved each other.
"Jimin, I'm so sorry. I was hotheaded and rash, I didn't mean for it to be like this, I'm so sorry", Joohyun mumbles, looking at the floor. "I'm sorry too. I didn't give you enough attention, and I didn't have much time for you either. I promise it will change", Jimin replied.

After a tender kiss, they clambered onto the bed, snuggled under the bedsheets, and spent the rest of the night talking and cuddling, glad to be finally back together again.
hi, my second request is done! this one was a little bit trickier for me to write, and i usually do my stories from a second person point of view, but nevertheless, i hope you enjoyed it :)

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