BTS {meeting your parents} BTS

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- he was slightly nervous, but he didn't want to show it to you because you said that they would love him
- he was silent with a small frown on his face in the car, and would be slowly rubbing your thigh to try and calm his nerves
- when you got to the front door, he put on a smile, but you could clearly see something was bothering him
- he grabbed your hand at the last minute for reassurance
- when you got in the house and had dinner, your parents did love him, just like you said

- he was really worried that they wouldn't like him, because he was quiet and a bit cold around new people, and he told this to you
- you told him it would be fine, because your dad is actually like that, and you had told your mum that he would warm a bit after a few minutes
- he smiled, and gave you a long kiss, thanking you for your efforts, but as he held you against his chest, you could feel his heart racing
- when you arrived at your parents house, he was still nervous, and tried to overcompensate for his usual quietness by being very talkative
- your mum would say, "Yoongi, dear, it's okay if you're a quiet person. You don't have to worry about trying here, just be yourself. We'll love you anyway", and you would see him visibly relax

- he was nervous, but he would try not to show it to you when you were at home, because he didn't want you to think that he thought that your parents were the sort of people who wouldn't accept him
- however, when you arrived at your parents house, he had turned pale and kept on gulping
- you had to give him a bbbiiiiigggg hug to convince him to actually go in the house, and a small peck on the lips would motivate him to ring the doorbell
- when the door opened, your mum gave him a great, big hug, and your dad shook his hand whilst smiling warmly, and you could see his shoulders drop
- as you walk into the hall, he accidentally knocked a vase off the sideboard, and you could see his shoulders tense again, and he started to stutter out an apology, but your dad just laughed, and thank him because "That vase was ugly, but Y/M/N was intent on keeping it"

- he was sososososo exited to meet your parents, because you had told him all about them, and they seemed exactly the sort of people he would love
- when your parents opened the door, he enveloped your mum in a massive hug before she had the chance to do it to him, and shook your dads hand whilst thanking him profusely for letting him date his daughter
- he was so charismatic with your parents and siblings, helping your mum out in the kitchen, teaching your dad some of his choreo, and playing with your younger siblings
- he was talking about everything and anything at the dinner table, and he had his hands resting on your leg, not because he was nervous, just because he did it naturally
- you parents were beaming from ear to ear because they simply loved him

- he was really quite nervous, not so much about meeting your parents, but about meeting your older brother, as he had just recently got back from the army
- "But Y/N-ah, what if they don't think I'm manly enough? All I do is dance and sing, your brother has just gotten back from the army, and I haven't even been!", he said, a worried expression plastered on his face
- you assured him that it was fine, but you could see he was still very worried
- when your parents opened the door, he bowed and handed your mum a bouquet of flowers, and your dad a bottle of port
- just then your brother came down the stairs, and you could see him tense up, and he greeted your brother, offering out his hand, stammering a little
- your brother took his hand and shook it, and said to him, "Thanks for looking after her. I'll love you if you love her", and from then on Jimin was calm and relaxed

- he says to you that he'll try not to be weird, but tell him that he doesn't have to do that because your parents had to raise you
- he giggled and asks you if he can go dressed as a ladybird, and is delighted when you agree and say that you'll dress up as a bee, and ask your parents if they can dress up to
- when the two of you arrived at the front door, you could feel the excitement and energy radiating off him
- your parents open the door dressed as praying mantises, and a beam spreads across Taehyung's face, and he begins to talk nonstop
- as you walk into the hallway, Tae stops completely with his mouth hanging open, gazing at a painting. He starts to talk about how rare it is and your parents know he's the right one when they hear the passion in his voice

- he would dress up in a suit to impress your parents, because he feared noting more than them not liking him, and not allowing you to date him
- he had thought through many conversation starters and how he would answer any questions, to make sure everything was perfect
- offered to take everyone out to dinner, and pay for it all, which gobsmacked your parents, as he was so generous and kind
- your parents absolutely love him, and as the evening progresses, Kook stops trying to be so perfect and just becomes his natural, adorable self
- is the happiest person in the world when your parents so that they are happy you chose him


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