PJM {thunderstorm} PJM (request)

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You were running through the woods, a group of unmentionable beings chasing after you. You stumbled and tripped over something on the forest floor. Your boyfriends body. Park Jimin lay there, motionless and unseeing, and you let out a shriek of despair.

That was when you woke up.

You were in a cold sweat, breathing heavily and shivering, trying to calm yourself down and tell yourself it was all just a dream. As you were trying to steady your breaths and compose yourself, a crash of thunder resonated around the room, causing you to quiver in fear once more.

You were absolutely petrified of thunderstorms, and the awful nightmare you had just had didn't improve your feelings of terror. As you shook, your boyfriend, very much alive and breathing, lay sound asleep, his little puffs of breath moving his fringe slightly.
It was almost two in the morning, and the storm had been going on since eleven o'clock at night, and the only sleep you had managed to get was fretful and disturbing. Even being cradled in Jimin's arms couldn't calm your racing heart. The thunder crashed again, this time much louder and more violently, and a small whimper escaped your lips, and tears began to brim in your eyes.

Jimin woke up as soon as he heard your sound of distress, and sat up immediately. "What's wrong, Y/N-ah? Are you alright?", he said groggily, but the concern was still prominent in his voice. As he spoke, he pulled you closer to him, and began to rub small circles on your back.

"I j-j-just don't like t-t-t-the thunderstorm, and I had a awful dream, and you were dead and...and...and...", you stammered, releasing all your pent up tears. "Hush, it's ok, you don't need to cry", Jimin whispered soothingly, "I know that storms are scary, but I'm right here, so it's all ok. Oh, Y/N, you're such a nugget, you should've woken me up if you were scared". He placed a tender kiss on your temple, and tugged you onto his lap.
Your body instantly relaxed and melted into him, he always had this effect on you. You laced your arms around his waist, and burrowed your head into the crook of his neck.

"Don't you think I'm pathetic because I'm scared of something that can't be helped, like storms?", you mumbled into Jimin's collarbone. "Of course not, why would I think that you're pathetic? To be honest, I think that you are quite within your rights to be scared of storms, they are not the most comforting nor pleasant things in the world, are they?", Jimin said, answering your question. "Now, how about we watch some television until the storm passes, hmm?", your boyfriend suggested. "It'll calm you down".

You nodded in agreement, rolled off of Jimin and switched on the television. He began to pull back the bed covers and swing his legs out of bed, but stopped when he caught you staring at him. "Where are you going?", you asked quietly. "I was just going to grab some popcorn, but I don't have to go if you don't want me to", Jimin said, knowing that you might need someone by your side. "Please can you stay...", you trailed of looking down at the remote, hating how you couldn't even stand two minutes alone whenever there was a storm.

"Of course I can. Stop being silly, I know that you're think that you're being annoying and clingy, but you're not. I love the fact that I can help comfort you and calm you down when you're scared, it makes me feel wonderful, knowing that I'm the one who can have that affect on you", he purred, laying back down into bed, pulling you flush against him, one of his hands in your hair and the other resting on your stomach, drawing random patterns.

As Jimin had suggested, you were watching a television programme, more specifically, your favourite programme. It did help you to calm yourself down, as did the presence of you boyfriend. However, the thunderstorm did not relent, and continued to crack the usual silence of the night over and over again. Every time a clap of thunder burst through the sky, Jimin held you tighter, and planted soft, loving kisses on your lips and all over your face.

Miraculously, you managed to fall asleep in the middle of the show and the storm, safe in the arms of the one you loved, Park Jimin.
first request done!! i'm not sure how it is, let me know what you guys think :) I EVEN FINISHED IT ON THE SAME DAY IT WAS REQUESTED but that's probably because it's really shit haHA. it's quite short as well, but you know too much sweetness can give you a heart attack WHAT THE FUCK AM I SAYING THAT IS SO CRINGEY I BET IT'S BARELY EVEN SWEET ENOUGH TO BE CLASSED AS FLUFF

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