JHS {i see you} JHS

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Another day of school. Another day of hell. You sighed as you put your books in your bag, fearing the day to come. Yet another day of relentless bullying, another day of you being subjected to cold comments and hard punches. You had fought back at first, but now you had lost all will to stand up for yourself, you were now too numb and empty to do so.

After saying a fleeting goodbye to your mother, you left the house, headphones in, looking at your feet. Music was your only escape, but even this land of harmonies and falsettos didn't stop the thud of a rock hitting your head. Trying to ignore it, you carried on.

Another rock hit your head, followed by, "Hey,  hoe! Can you not tell I'm trying to get your attention? Stupid bitch!". The taunt came from Yuseol, your bully. The one who made you life a misery. You turned round, pulling out your headphones, handing her your lunch money and the homework she had commanded you to do. You knew the drill well enough by now.
"Thank you, you ugly piece of shit. Maybe I won't get Sungmin to hit you so hard today". Sungmin was Yuseol's boyfriend, the one who had given you the bruises and cuts all over your body. And even though Yuseol has called you ugly, anyone could see your undeniable beauty, even it was somewhat tainted by the marks of pain inflicted upon you.

You reached the school gates, and your eyes lit up at the sight of your best friend, Jung Hoseok. You hadn't told him about Yuseol or Sungmin, you didn't want to upset him. He was your sunshine, and you didn't want to put a damper on his bright mood because of your problem. He pulled you into a big hug whilst greeting you, and began to ramble on about how his dance practice went last night. You weren't really paying attention, all you could think about was that hug, and your heart that was beating rapidly. Even though you thought that in his eyes you were just best friends, you couldn't help but fall in love with him.  You hadn't told him because you didn't want to ruin what you already had.

"Y/N, are you listening? I said meet me in the maths corridor, seeing as you have maths before lunch. Is that ok?", Hobi said, giggling. "Yes of course", you replied nodding vigorously. With that, the bell rang, and after waving goodbye to each other, you and Hoseok made your ways to your lessons.

After your maths class had finished, you were patiently waiting for Hoseok in the corridor. You heard voices rounding the corner, and froze when you realised it was the shrill, overly girly voice of Yuseol, and the deep voice of Sungmin. Knowing what was coming, you just stood there, awaiting your beating.

After Yuseol laid eyes on you, she stood on her tiptoes and whispered in Sungmin's ear, and he began to waltz over to you. "She told me to take my time today, so prepare yourself. This is going to be the worst one yet", he growled, and began to kick your legs.

He kicked and kicked and kicked, and eventually your legs couldn't withstand this harassment anymore, and you fell to the floor. Tears were rolling down your face, but that didn't stop Sungmin. Instead, it motivated him more, as did the shrieks of praise from Yuseol. He yanked you up, pushing you against the wall, and began to hit your face over and over again. You could feel cuts being made from the rings on his hands, and began to sob even louder.

Suddenly, a yell of anger broke through your cries of pain and Yuseol's chants of encouragement, and you felt the pressure of Sungmin's hands on your shoulders leave. "How dare you touch her? How DARE you?", your saviour shouted, pushing Sungmin and Yuseol down the corridor. "Get away from her, you evil, twisted people".

Like a truck full of bricks hitting you, you realised that it was Hoseok's voice. Too weak and overwhelmed to move, you lay curled up on the floor, waiting for something to happen. He scooped you up into his lap, and sat with his back against the wall, with you on his lap, him stroking your hair softly. "Why didn't you tell me?", he whispered in your ear, his voice shaky from seeing you getting hurt like that. "I'm sorry", you said, through stuttered sobs.
"I don't want to see my love get hurt like that, Y/N. It makes me sad", Hoseok said, rubbing your back. You looked up at his face, in total shock. "Your love?", you said, trying to hide the hope in your voice.

"If you want to be mine, you would make me the happiest person alive. I love you, Y/N, and have done for a very long time. I just didn't want to tell you because I didn't know if you felt the same way. I guess if you don't, I'll learn to live with it, but I really hope you do", Hobi said, avoiding your eyes.   "It's ok, Hobi, I do. But let me ask you one thing, why me?", was your reply.

"Well, I didn't become friends with you because I was lonely or lost. I became friends with you because you lit up the room you were in. Your charisma and beauty captured my attention. I was drawn to you. You bettered my moods. You made me happy when I was sad. You listened to what I had to say. And all these little things brought me to loving you. You're so special to me, and I can see you as you, not the girl who has been bullied into thinking she's nothing special. And the you I see is amazing. I love you", and with those words, you pulled him into a long, sweet kiss.

what's up?!?! i'm just about back from the dead after the release of  LY:Tear and the BBMA's. SORRY FOR BEING INACTIVE I LOVE YOU ALL 💞💞 anyway, the reason why i've been MIA is because i'm to much of a pussy to go to uni on crutches and so have been frantically copying my twin brothers notes from lectures whilst Ru Paul's blares in the background. also, i missed my Kung-fu grading which i'm really pissed off about. hey ho ( OOO THIS REMINDS ME OF THAT BIT IN AGUST D) anyway, hope you enjoyed 🤷‍♀️
ps. did you guys see Yoongi's gang signs and Jungkook's abs 💀 to be honest i'm surprised Yoongles didn't leave with a bullet in his ass :)

 did you guys see Yoongi's gang signs and Jungkook's abs 💀 to be honest i'm surprised Yoongles didn't leave with a bullet in his ass :)

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ppps. what do you think of LY:Tear i am in looove my favourites are Anpanman and The Truth Untold 💞

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