46: He was a legend.

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"What a silly look you got there." Yoru snorted lightly. "Were you that surprised that I came?"

Shizuka flashed him a relaxed smile. "A little bit. When we left the invitations with Akita jii-chan he said that you seemed fairly busy lately so I didn't think you'd make it."

Patting his shoulder she teased, "Guess no matter how busy you are you still had to come out to support your beloved Fuu-chan, huh? Especially when she got mad at you for not attending the last two years."

She proceeded to assess his outfit casually.

Messily styled hair. An oversized asymmetrical silver grey button down half-tucked into ripped and patched dark wash jeans. Silver accented black sneakers. A silver ring on the right index finger with a Celtic knot design. A black and white chain bracelet on the left wrist. A silver necklace with a rustic style fleur-de-lis pendant.

"Not bad, Yoru-chan," she remarked approvingly. "More understated than your usual going-out look but just enough to still be impressive in a setting like this. Not bad at all. As expected of our resident tsundere switch boy."

Yoru leaned down and began to ruthlessly ruffle Shizuka's hair. "How dare you refer to your senpai as a what? ... "Tsundere switch boy" was it? What does that even mean anyways?!"

"How can you be mad at me when you don't even know what it means?" she huffed as she knocked his hands away.

"I know it can't be anything good because you said it!" he retorted.

Although Shizuka's face couldn't easily be seen because of the angle she was facing, with Yoru's eye-catching height and hair, people soon started to notice them from across the hallway.

"Don't you think that tall guy over there is kind of hot?" asked one girl to her other two friends.

"The guy with the bleached hair?" Her female friend squinted. "Oh damn. Yeah, you're right. He is good-looking!"

"He looks kind of familiar too...Wait a minute! I know that guy! He's the lead singer of that indie rock band called A Million Nights of Bleakness!"

The female friend wasn't familiar with this reference but the male friend who had been indifferent suddenly became excited. "No way! Where?!"

The first friend to speak pointed. "Right there next to the girl in the red cape thing!"

The male friend followed her line of sight and gasped when he saw Yoru. "Oh my god! It's Y!"

"What's A Million Nights of Bleakness?" asked the female friend who didn't follow indie bands.

"Only the best up and coming indie bands ever!" gushed the male friend as he started to hastily dig through his pockets for something. "One of my friends introduced me to their music last year and I've been a huge fan ever since. There's four guys and they're all college aged but their music is more polished than some musicians who have been playing music their whole lives! I wanted to go to their last concert so badly but all the tickets were sold out! That guy over there is Y, their main composer, guitarist, and lead singer!"

Unable to find what he was looking for he groaned in frustration. "Either of you got paper and a pen?" he inquired with urgency.

They shook their heads.

"Damn!" He stuck his head inside the nearest classroom and shouted, "Does anyone have some paper and a pen I can borrow?"

"I got some but why do you need it?" replied one student.

"AMNB's Y is out in the hall! I have to get his autograph!"

"Whaaaaaaaat!" shrieked one student in a high-pitched voice as she bounced up from her seat. "Y-sama's outside and you're only letting us know now?! What the hell, Shibutani!!!!"

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