Extra 46.5: Author's Ramblings and Character Portraits

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Author's Note II

Hello again, my faithful readers~~ It's me, the author again! ヘ(= ̄∇ ̄)ノ Surprise, surprise, despite the long period of inactivity I'm still alive and well!

Well...kind of...because of work I've been incredibly busy as of late so it's been difficult to fit writing into my schedule. That's why I'm writing a quick author's note instead of posting a new chapter. (っ- ‸ – ς) Forgive me! That being said, for anyone who still cares, I will not be dropping this story so rest assured!

Truthfully, I've been writing a couple lines here and there whenever I could squeeze it into my commute so I'm hoping that a few days after the beginning of next month (when my workload should be lessened) I'll have a new chapter out (two if I'm feeling really inspired but I make no promises)!

Furthermore, contrary to what I stated in my last author's note, as of right now, I have no idea how many chapters will be left in the story...Somehow the plot just keeps getting longer and longer as I try to wrap up loose ends so uh just stay tuned and enjoy the ride?

Lastly, a huge thanks to all of you who are still reading! Knowing that the time I put into writing can provide entertainment to other's really warms my heart. A special shoutout to those who take time to vote and comment! (∩˃o˂∩)♡ I really enjoy reading your comments and I try to comment on each one so please don't be shy~~~

In fact, if you have any requests or any scenes you'd want to see in the story shoot me a dm. If I can find a way to squeeze it into the story, I most definitely will! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Below are some character illustrations that I have curated from various websites that I think would resemble the characters in the story. I've never included any people pictures in my posts before as I didn't want to superimpose a specific image of the characters into the minds of readers; however, as I just happened to find some illustrations that really aligned with my image of the characters, I wanted to share them with you for fun. *Disclaimer: I do not own any of these photos, I only simply edited some details to suit the characters a bit more.*

I apologize in advance for any grammatical and spelling errors as I am very sleep deprived at the moment....

Character Portraits

♡ Yoshino Shizuka ♡
Setting: A surprise shot taken by Mika on Christmas Eve

♡ Yoshino Shizuka ♡ Setting: A surprise shot taken by Mika on Christmas Eve

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What others have to say about her in five words or less:

Satou Mika: My dearest best friend
Mori Fuyuki: Perfect until she speaks
Towa Kou (a teacher at school): A bright and promising student
Koizumi Megu: Beauty that doesn't need makeup
Hayashi Aiko (the president of Shizuka's fanclub): A goddess descended onto earth!
Honda Yuki (a family friend): Relentless in studying and teasing 
Chinen Hidekichi (a kouhai at school): The kindest and prettiest senpai!
Yoshino Kaori: A perpetual pudding thief
Semi Madoka: Someone I'm never giving up

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