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After the last class, Jen went to her locker. The blonde was standing there. Jen rolled her eyes and walked towards her locker. She heard her phone buzz. It was a message from Sean. She raised an eyebrow.
Aah I'll make you wait, she thought to herself.

She opened her locker door and placed her books inside. She closed the locker door and saw the blonde's name written on her locker door. Megan.

Jen raised her eyebrows and whistled.
Then she walked away from her locker. She started walking towards her house. She took out her phone and started texting Sean. She looked at the time. It was 3 in the afternoon.
See you at 5, she texted and put her phone inside her bag.

"Mom!! You're home??!!", Jen exclaimed as soon as she stepped into the house. It was rare to see Margaret Whitman in the house. Her brown hair hung loosely around her shoulders and her dimples looked cuter than ever. Jen rushed to her mom and hugged her. Margaret placed a kiss on her daughter's forehead.

"Of course I'm home!", she replied
"Wow! So I guess you got off work early today?"
"Yeah. After all, your cousin's coming!!"
"Wait, what?"
"Yeah! She'll be here by 5"
"But mom! I have homework to do and...and I have to go to a friend's", Jen stuttered
"Good to hear you made new friends already. You can meet up with them later. And about your homework, you can complete it now. You have two hours left. Now go to your room and complete your work.", Margaret said sternly.

Jen angrily walked to her room and hurled her bag across the room. It landed on the bed with a thud. She quickly walked to her bed and took her phone out.
Goddamn cousins. They always ruin things, Jen thought.

She quickly texted Sean saying she wouldn't be able to make it. He responded with a 'k'.

"That's it. I've blown my chance.", Jen said to herself. She looked at the clock. It was 3:15. She face-planted on the bed and fell into a slumber.

Jen woke up to the sound of laughter. She quickly got up and got changed. She brushed her hair and put it up in a bun. She knew her mom hated her being unpresentable in front of guests. She quickly washed her face and went to the hall. She could see three people sitting on the couch. A man and a woman along with their kid. Jen gasped as she saw her.

Megan. Sitting cross legged on her couch. Her cousin.


THE WAREHOUSE✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon