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She loved the feeling. She loved the feeling of Sean's hand entwined with hers. Jen smiled and looked at Sean. Both of them were walking down the road to Jen's house. Jen suddenly had a crazy idea.
She pulled Sean to another path, leading to the back door of her house. There was one change, though.
They weren't going to her house.
"Where are we going?", Sean asked this time.
"My surprise.", Jen said. They kept waking for a while until a massive building stood in front of them. It was grey, almost black. The print was peeling off. The old, barred windows only added to the eerieness.
Sean smirked. "Good choice", he said.
Jen grinned and pulled him inside the warehouse.

"This place is awesome!", Sean said. Jen nodded even though she was a bit creeped out by the place. She ran her hand along the walls of the old warehouse.
These walls have seen many unspeakable things, judging from the location and the creepiness of this warehouse, Jen thought.
"Boo!", Sean said in her ear, making her jump. She playfully pushed him away and started examining the walls again.
"Why are you looking at the walls? Am I not interesting enough?", Sean teased. Jen laughed and stopped immediately. She heard it again. Another soft thud. She put her finger over Sean's lips. He raised an eyebrow but said nothing.
The sound was coming from the room next to her.
She waited. Another thud. She couldn't hold herself anymore. She slowly walked towards the entrance of the room. Sean had also heard the sound.

He was right behind her, to protect her if something happened. She smiled at his gesture and continued moving towards the next room.

Her breath got caught in her throat when she saw a man in the room. A tall man wearing a grey hoodie. The hoodie covered his face but wisps of blond hair were peeking from underneath it. Only his mouth and his hair were visible.
He was sharpening something. It was difficult to see. The amount of moonlight entering the room permitted very little vision. Jen looked carefully. She gasped when she saw a huge butcher's knife in the man's hand. She stopped abruptly, causing Sean to run into her and fall backwards. It made a loud thud.
Jen cursed herself silently. The man stopped sharpening the blade. He sneered at the direction of the sound. He did not say anything. His sneer then turned into a smile. Not a friendly one. The smile masked all the horrifying emotions that lay beneath it. He smiled wider and started laughing. Then, he said,
"So Megan...You finally decided to show up."

All that Jen could hear in the forest beside the warehouse was the sound of the footsteps of her own footsteps along with Sean's footsteps. It was too dark to see. Both of them ran blindly, holding each other's hand. Jen finally spotted her house near a clearing. She rushed into the safety of her house and pulled Sean in. He quickly shut the door and locked it.

Jen quickly closed all the windows and drew the curtains over them. She gasped, sucking in as much air as she could. Sean's condition seemed to be the same.

Jen went to the bathroom and washed her face. Sean was sitting on the couch, catching his breath.
Yes, Jen. He's sitting on your couch. In your house., Jen thought.

"Hey. Do you have a bathroom?", Sean asked.
"No. We use the sink. Of course we have a bathroom. Straight down to the left.", Jen replied sarcastically.

He laughed and made his way to the bathroom.

Jen's head was spinning.
Why did that guy say 'Megan'? Was he seriously expecting her tonight? Something is definitely wrong. I should ask her at school tomorrow., A voice inside her head said but another voice responded with,
Why should you even care? You don't even like her! Besides, what if he was talking about some other Megan? She could be his girlfriend, right?

Yep. Just like everyone, he goes to meet his girlfriend with a butcher's knife. How romantic! Get a life!, the voice snapped.

"Ugh! Shut up both of you!", Jen screamed.
Sean entered the room with a worried expression on his face.
"Is everything alright?", he asked.
"Yep", Jen nodded. "It's just that what happened at the warehouse is driving me crazy!"

"Hey! It's ok! We will get to the end of this.... Together.", he said.
Jen smiled at him. He smiled back at her. That moment, Jen forgot about everything around her.

Exactly after that, she heard a knock on the door.


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