Chapter 5: The New Guy

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Chapter 5:

The new guy

In front of our neighbor's house was a moving truck. Men were unloading boxes and carrying them into the now vacant house.

"What's wrong?" Aaron asked scratching his dark brown hair.

"Nothing, I thought the Nermens were still living there," I replied as I gazed at the men who were entering and exiting the large white house.

"Well, want to go greet them?" He asked looking at house then back at me.

"No, not right now. Besides we are not in presentable clothes. Pajamas, remember?"

He rolled his brown eyes. "Worried about 'what will they say?'"

I instantly defended my argument. "No, of course not! It's just look at us. Am in my Garfield pajamas and you, well you look like you got something out of the trash can or something that a homeless person gave you to wear."

Aaron looked down at his clothes; he was wearing a ripped old faded colored levy jeans with a white multi-painted shirt.

I raised an eyebrow. "Seriously, Aaron? Even a monkey can pick out good pajamas."

"Ha-ha," he laughed sarcastically. "Whatever." He headed towards the side of the house, while I followed him chuckling.

The back door was open for us just the way Aaron had left it. I rushed up towards my room before Aaron could ask me anything. I shut the door gently as I quickly placed the black envelope under my clothes drawer. And sighed heavy.

"I can never tell my parents Sami," I said. I stretched yawning loudly. "Am so sleepy."

Just then someone knocked at my door. "Come and greet the new neighbors."

"Yeah, mom," I said. I went towards my closet and pulled out a skinny navy blue jean with a simple white blouse. I threw Clark's Gap sweater on the bed. I brushed my hair and quickly rushed down stairs.

"Aw come on mom," I heard Aaron whine. "Can't I just take a tiny bite?"

I saw Aaron in front of mom on his knees, begging. Mother was carrying a round chocolate fruit cake.

"No, Aaron," she said seriously. "This is for our new neighbors not for you."

"What's the matter?" I asked catching both of their attention towards me. Aaron stood up giving mother a sad puppy look.

"Don't think that will convince me young man," she said placing the cake on the counter. "I was once your age."

"Mother doesn't want to give me a piece of that delicious looking cake," he pouted at her then the cake.

"You heard mom it's for the neighbors not you," I said taking a seat across the cake. I grabbed a peach and took a bite.

"You guys had this planned out, didn't you? You both knew I love cakes and bought one to make me suffer," Aaron accused. He looked back and forth between mom and me with accusing eyes. I rolled me eyes.

"Oh, and look how were rubbing it all over your face and real slowly," I said narrowing my eyes at him. "Grow up it's just a cake."

"Hmph," Aaron said turning his head the other way. I chuckled. Aaron always acts like a little boy when it comes to cakes or something sweet.

I remember once, when my family was celebrating my ninth birthday we couldn't find the cake. We looked inside the refrigerator, down the basement, outside, but no luck. Then my mother asked where was Aaron and that made everyone rush towards him bedroom.

When we opened the door we found Aaron had eaten it all by himself. Crème filling was smeared all over his mouth!

Since then we have to watch over any cake just in case...

"Are you both ready?" Mother asked impatient as she looked at her watch. "I have a very important meeting I must get to."

"On a Sunday?!" I and Aaron shrieked. An important meeting on a Sunday, I thought. Well, it's no wonder she's dressed like a job interview.

"Mom, are you sure it's not for tomorrow instead of now?" Aaron asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," she said seriously. Aaron and I both looked at each other like if mother's words were some kind of alien's language. She walked out of the kitchen impatient carrying the cake. We rushed out following her. Aaron opened to door for her and we both stepped outside.

The men were unloading the last boxes. As we walked up towards the door to knock, a young woman suddenly appeared with a grey vase on her hands.

She looked really young from afar, but close up one could see the wrinkles on the corner of her brown hazel eyes. "Oh, hi," she said politely. She rested the vase besides her. "Matt! Hun! The neighbors are here!"

The three of us smiled politely. Besides her a boy appeared grinning at all of us. "Hi, I'm Matthew Rivers."

"Well, hi Matthew, am Jessica and this is my son, Aaron and my daughter, Nikki." I waved smiling.

"Hey," Aaron said smiling. Matthew was taller than me, almost the same height as Aaron. I noticed he had bright green eyes. His brown hair was long and wavy that reached up his ears. He was cute with his dimples on each side of his mouth.

Just then Matthew's father came to other side of his wife. He was in his mid-age with light brown hair combed back and mustache. "Hey there I'm Richard."

"Well, in a greeting present my family decided to bake you a cake," my mother said sweetly as she handed the cake to Richard. Aaron and I looked at each other confused. We were pretty sure that mom had bought the cake instead of baking it. Mother once told us that she never knew how to bake a cake; she nearly set the whole house on fire!

Aaron narrowed his eyes at her then the cake.

"So nice of you!" Mrs. Rivers said surprised. She probably thought my mother didn't know how to cook, I thought quietly.

"Yum, it's my favorite," Mr. Rivers said eyeing the cake as if he had begun eating it with his eyes.

"Well, you're welcome," mother said with a smile. My eyes drifted from Mr. Rivers to Matt. He was staring at me with those intense green eyes of his. I felt a tiny shiver race up my back. I looked away embarrassed. Why is he staring at me like he's going to eat me?

"Well, now," my mother said clapping once. "If there's anything you need you know where to find us."

"Sure neighbor," Mrs. Rivers said grinning. "And thanks for the cake it was a generous offer."

I couldn't turn to face them. I still felt Matt's eyes on me. "Well it was nice to meet you." I heard my brother say.

My mother, Aaron and I all turned around to leave. I was a few steps behind my mother and Aaron when someone grabbed my arm and spun me around.

"Sorry, Nikki," Matt apologized looking down. The way he said my name was so creepy in many levels. I didn't like it at all.

"What's up," I tried to force a smile.

He hesitated. "You see am going to be new at school tomorrow and well I just wanted to know if you could show me around."

He unwillingly raised his eyes to me. Pressure pushed heavily down on my head. I swallowed nervously.

"Yeah," I smiled nervously. He slowly smiled.

"Thanks," he said. He reached the side of my face, removed some strands from my face and tucked it behind my ear. I froze.

"You're pretty," he whispered.

"Um, thanks. I got to do some homework," I said taking a step back uncomfortable. I spun around quickly and ran towards my house not daring to look into those green eyes I felt behind my back. I closed the door sighing. I slowly walked towards the window. Through the light curtains I could see Matt. He didn't move an inch; he was still there watching the house from the outside.

"Definitely a strange guy," I whispered to myself. "Something about him doesn't seem right..."

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