Chapter 12: The plan

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Chapter 12

The plan

After the funeral Sami and I were driving home. Three days after it happened. Three days the sky has been in a dreary, cold afternoon, storm clouds low in the sky.

It was held in a small chapel in Nightwood cemetary, too small for all the kids who showed up. A lot of us had to mill outside, unable to squeeze in for the ceremony.

I was only one who couldn't support it. I ran away from the ceremony with Sami besides me. It was all too much to deal with. No one knew what to say.

"Um...Nikki...I' m very sorry."

"Nikki... sorry."

I couldn't stand it anymore. Having to see Clark's body in that coffin. To see him lifeless and cold. Knowing the fact that he won't be here anymore. It hurts me. I was relieved when Sami with her car drove away from there. Because I couldn't stop crying and even now I'm shredding tears. I can't stop crying and I think it will take me months to recover. It's...its painful...

"They should have held it in a bigger place," Dana said turning into a McDonalds. "You know a big Church."

I wiped my red and puffy eyes. I can't sleep well. I keep crying whenever I remember him in that pool of blood. My hands stained with his blood!

"Why are we stopping here?"

"Well I thought we needed to eat something. Plus isn't that what people do after they go to a funeral? They eat?"

I sighed heavy. I didn't want to eat. My stomach felt as if it were filled with heavy rocks.

Unwillingly I dragged myself out of the car and followed Sami into the restaurant. Sami ordered for us as I looked around the room. There was hardly anyone except for a mother with two little kids near the entrance. The kids were fighting with each other with their toys.

I went to sit at the booth at the back. I was still drying my eyes as I took a sit.

"You didn't survive his funeral," Sami said. "I thought you would last longer at least when they -you know would bury him."

"How can I, Sami? That's two times I have to go through this," I cried as new tears went down my cheeks. "First Chris then Clark, two guys I loved and died."

She unwrapped a cheeseburger and took a big bite. I was struggling to pull the paper off my straw.

"But this time wasn't the secret admirer's fault-"

"No it was Matt!" I accused.

"No it wasn't," she insisted. "Everybody saw it was Nick Dew. And everybody knows it wasn't his intention, though I feel terrible for him. He must feel like it's his fault."

"I know Matt had something to do with it," I insisted. "Why else would he have been smiling when Clark was dead or those times when he saw Clark and I were together?"

"Beats me," she said softy taking a sip of her coke. She sighed. She unwrapped my cheese burger. "Nikki, you haven't eaten a thing all day. I know you didn't eat breakfast. Come on; try a bite, will you?"

I shook my head, but she insisted. I grabbed the cheese burger and took a bite just to get her off my back. It was hard to swallow, but took a sip from her coke.

"Hey, with all that has happened I never got to ask you about Elizabeth? Do you know where she is?"

I shook my head and stared at the fries thinking hard. Where was she?

"No idea last time I saw was when I kicked her out of the house," I said flatly. "Beside it's not like if it's going to make a difference."

"What if it does?" She asked.

I raised an eyebrow and looked at her confused. "What do you mean?"

"Will the last note you got was at the party remember?"

"Yeah," I was still confused.

"Since then you haven't gotten any. And when she was at your house the note was gone, not to mention she as always hated you."

A blub flickered inside my head. "You don't think she could the secret admirer, could you?"

Her face beamed with realization. "Just think about it, Nikki. Before you even started going out with Chris she already hated you without knowing you. Plus..."

"Plus what?" I was curious to know what she was about to say. I squeezed the burger real tight with wonder.

"Plus," she looked away from me and dropped her eyes on her burger. "I saw her at the funeral. I wasn't sure if it was her or not so I moved a little closer and sure enough it was her. She had those black big glasses so I couldn't see her expression, but all the while she had her eyes glued to you."

"I just want to know what she wants," I demanded to myself. "Why did she return? And no it's not because she wants forgiveness."

Sami gave me a troubled looked. "I don't know."

"But then what about Matt?"

"How about this," she offered. "I'll keep an eye on Matt while you keep an eye on Elizabeth."

I cringed. "Ugh, let's tell Aaron maybe he could keep an eye on her."

"No," she said quickly. "You need to do this."

"Fine," I grumbled taking a long sip out of the coke.

After the dinner Sami left me home. I ran towards my room not wanting to see anyone. But my wishes weren't heard I bumped into my mother on my way up stairs.

"How are you doing baby?" She asked as she gave me a worried look. She walked in front of me and wrapped her arms around me. "It's okay."

I shook away her embrace and took a wide step back. "Look mom, I want to be alone." Without glancing at her I past by her and headed towards my room. I shut the door and threw myself at the bed.

I cried until I fell asleep. No one bothered me. No one.

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