Chapter 13: Drive Thru

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Chapter 13

Drive thru

I couldn't sleep. I sat up in bed, drenched in sweat. The clock on my bed table read 4:57 am.

The plan had made a process. I pulled my knees towards my chest. As much as Sami tries to talk to him, he ignores her, then he tries to approach me, but I back away. While I have made no intent to contact Elizabeth. Sami has been mad at me for it.

I sighed heavy as I jumped off the bed and went towards Aaron's room. I hesitated as I had my hand ready to knock on the door.

This is a bad idea, I thought as I twisted my lips. I mean it's four, five in the morning. What the heck am I thinking? He'll probably think I'm crazy. I might as well wait two or four hours more.

I turn around and walked back to my room. I was biting my nails as I felt myself get nervous. Why the heck am I nervous?!

I gently closed the door and sat down on my bed, thinking what to say to Elizabeth.

"I need to know what to say to her," I murmured to myself. "I should get some rest before a long day comes."

* * *

It was about 8:35am when I woke up again. Its late Aaron would be headed to work, soon!

I jumped off the bed and raced downstairs I almost tripped on the way towards the kitchen.

"Aaron!" I yelled as I grasped on the counter across from me. My eyes searched for him.

"What?!" I spun around and there he was behind me with his eyebrows pulled together in a frown.

"Oh, good you didn't leave just yet," I sighed taking a step towards him.

"Aren't you late for school?" Aaron asked looking at my clothes as he raised an eyebrow.

"For now I don't care about school," I said. "What I need is to talk to Elizabeth and now."

"Whoa," he said stunned as he passed me and took long steps towards the refrigerator. "Where did that come from?"

"No where special," I said coolly and then pretended to act troubled. I ran my hands through my hair with twisted lips.

Aaron frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Well," I hesitated. "I have been doing some thinking and well I just wanted to talk to her. Maybe she is right maybe I'm just over thinking some things and she really does want to apologize and start over again."

"Uhuh," he said poking his head inside the refrigerator and took out the carton of milk. "You need to be in school."

"Aaron!" I begged. I ran towards him grabbed his shirt looking worried. "This is very important to me! I need to talk to her; I haven't been able to sleep well since the night I kicked her out of the house!"

Aaron grabbed my right wrist and pulled it away. "Calm down, Nikki." He studied my face not believing anything I said, but I managed to resist.

"Fine," he answered after a short time of silence. "If mom were here she would grounded you." He opened the milk from the corner and took a long drink from it. He wiped his mouth and put the milk on the counter. "Do you really think you want to talk to Elizabeth dressed like that?" He pointed at my clothes.

I looked down and saw what he was meaning. "Crap, give me a few minutes." I spun around and darted towards my bedroom.

"Hurry I don't got all day!" He called out. "I'll be at the car!"

"Yeah! Sure," I answered as I rummaged through my closet as I picked out some pair of pants and shirt. Then I stopped dead as I saw Clark's sweater hanging at the end of the closet. My heart stopped.

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