Chapter 7: A Surprise Guest

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Chapter 7

A Surprise Guest

Not exactly walking weather, I thought after my last class. Dark and wet out. It will probably rain before I make it home.

I sighed heavily and walked through the parking lot. I gasped out loud as I felt a cold damp hand squeeze my neck. I spun around and found Sami grinning at me.

"Gotcha," she told me.

"Sami! Can't you see it's so cold?" I whined zipping my coat all the way up.

She laughed. "I can't see it, but I can feel it... Sorry."

"Where were you all day? Clark and I were looking for you," I said as I jammed both hands into my pockets.

"Extra Credit," she answered. "So what? Clark is not going to walk you home?"

We started walking. "Nope he has to make-up a test he forgot to take."

"Oh, then what about your new neighbor?"

I shrugged. "Don't know and care."

She raised an eyebrow. "That bad?"

"No it's not that," I explained. "It's just that he gives me the creeps. He's always staring at me, plus whenever am with Clark he seems to get piss or something!"


"Yeah and let me tell you it's creepy," I shivered, not from the cold.

"And he's your neighbor," she point it out.

"Ugh," I groan. "I know."

"But, there's something not right about him. Something sinister like."

"Hmm," she muttered as she zipped her brown coat all the way up. "So have you told your family about the situation?"

I stop walking and stared down at my shoes. "No."

"What?!" She turned around and stared at me with angry eyes. "What are you thinking?! You should have told them a long time ago!"

"Sami you know my parents they don't believe me. And what will I tell the police? Oh, Officer I know this might sound weird but I think I know who killed my dead boyfriend, you see I have been getting this creepy notes and yeah I know it's from a guy who is afraid to tell me his feelings face to face."

"A guy who is obsess with you!" She hollered at my face. "You tell them or I will."

"I'll tell them Sami. I decided to tell them tonight when we're eating," I said starting to walk again.

"Then what about Clark?"

"I told him already," I said. I felt her stiff beside me. "What's wrong?"

"Nate," she cursed. She pointed towards the parking lot. I turned around and scanned through the parked and moving cars. At first I couldn't figure out what Sami wanted me to see. Then I saw Nate Stevens and Sandi Fleischer standing close together next to the white mustang. So engrossed in conversation, they seemed unaware of anything, but each other.

I turned back to Sami. "I don't believe it," she whispered. "That bastard has no limits."

"What can I say?" I risked another quick peek at them. Sandi was laughing so hard, and Nate appeared pleased with himself.

Nate Stevens was Sami's boyfriend, but they broke up last month. She told me she caught him make out with Sandi at her car. Sami was going for grocery near her house when she found her car parked in front of her house. She lend her car to Nate since he had a chess meeting somewhere far from school. When she took a peek inside her heart smashed into pieces.

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