Chapter 18: I Found Her...

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Chapter 18

I found her...

The drive back from the woods wasn't bad. During the whole way, we talked about our hobbies and what we liked and dislike about things. It surprised me when I found out that Matt had done a play for his high school back at home. He said he had to play the role of Romeo in the Romeo and Juliet play.

"Don't ask why," he warned. "I'm only going to say that I had to and that was that."

"Whatever," I said chuckling. "I don't need to see pictures I can just imagine you already!"

We were laughing hard when Matt pulled up the driveway towards my house. "Here we are."

I smiled at him. "Thanks."

"Any time," he responded with a smile. Just then the passenger door flung open. Out of the nowhere a hand grabbed the front of my shirt dragging me outside. Aaron was glaring down at me as he let me go.

"It's late," Aaron said angrily. He slammed the door shut as he pushed me from the back. "Mother will be worried."

He grabbed my neck from behind and forced me to walk inside the house. "Hey!"

Aaron and I stopped as I turned around to see Matt. He was clinging to his car door, one foot outside. "It was a fun night!"

I smiled wide. Aaron grumbled something too low for me to hear then grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. He slammed the door.

I jerked my arm away from him. "Just what the heck is wrong with you?!Why are you acting like such a dick?!"

"Mother isn't home yet and she could get worried," he said flatly. "You know how she is."

"Then why do that!" I pointed towards the door. "I sometimes don't understand your bipolar attitude!" I shook my head in disgusted, spun away from him and ran towards my room. Once at the door I yelled angrily, "You are not father!"

I slammed the door shut as pictures that were hanging on my wall shook in fear. I hissed angrily as I stomped towards my bed and yank out a pillow.

"Ugh," I groaned. "What is my brother deal?!"

I sat down on my bed as I gripped tightly on the pillow, choking it with all my strength. Furious like a hurricane, I threw the pillow away from me. It bumped next to the lamp I had on my desk across from me. I clasped and unclasped my fists as I took deep breaths to control myself.

"What is my brother's problem?" I hissed angrily to myself. "Whatever." I let myself fall backwards as I gaze at the ceiling. "I wonder how Sami went with Elizabeth."

The phone rang loudly downstairs, interrupting my thoughts. Maybe it is Sami, I thought hurriedly. I pushed myself out of the bed and threw myself at the door as I unlocked it and yanked it open as I sprinted myself towards the phone located in the living room.

Aaron was nowhere to be seen which surprised me. He would always be the one to answer the phone before anybody else.

I grabbed the phone and brought it towards my right ear. "Hello?"


"Yes," I answered. "Ms. Heathers?"

"Yes it's me. By any chance is Sami with you? She has not arrived home yet and her car is parked outside."

"What?!" Could she be with Elizabeth? "No she's not here Ms. Heathers. I honestly do not know where she could be."

"Please," Ms. Heathers' voice was full of concerned and worried. "Do not lie. Please tell me if she is with you."

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