Chapter 20: Where are you taking her?

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Chapter 20

Where are you taking her?


Sami's funeral was today and I couldn't miss it for the world. I needed to say a last goodbye to my dearest friend.

I was outside her house, hands on the side my hips and twisted lips. I stared at it not knowing what to do. I was about to turn around and leave when Sami's mother called me from the front door. I slowly turned around and smiled at her, while cursing inside my mind for not hurrying.

"Nikki!" She ran towards with her arms stretch out me giving me a bear hug. I hugged her back. "I was about to go to your house so great for you to stop by." She let go of me as she stared into my eyes.

She turned around as she grabbed my right wrist and yanked me with her as she headed inside the house. "Ms. Heathers?" At that moment she reminded me of Sami, she would always do that whenever she was happy about something she wanted to show me. "Ms. Heathers?" I repeated.

She didn't listen. We were at her porch when she let go of my wrist. "Sami wants you to have this, just wait here." I frowned as I waited. Sami foresaw her death? No! Of course not, how can think of something like that?!

About five minutes or so Ms. Heathers burst out the door. My gaze was fixed on what she had on her hands. What she held in her hands was a tiny black notebook.

"I was going through her stuff yesterday and I found this under her bed. I opened it to see what it was, but to my surprise in the front cover of the page it read: 'to Nikki from Sami' I didn't read it considering maybe Sami wanted you to have this," she explained as she held it out for me, I took it with a surprised expression. "I'm going to move and well..." She began to sob lightly. I jerked my head up to see her.

She had a hand over her mouth as tears spilled out from the corner of her eyes. That's when I noticed that her eyes were red and puffy, her face was white and her hair was a mess.

I didn't know what to say. Instead I hugged her. She accepted it, but was the one to break it soon.

"I have to pack up," she sobbed. "I'll see you in the funeral." She stepped inside the house as she closed the door without another word.

Sadness washed all over my body. I felt terrible for Sami's mother. She had lost her only child and with being divorced...

I sighed heavy as I looked down on the black notebook I had between my hands. I wonder what it was.

Instantly, I knew the place I needed in order to read it at peace. I walked a few streets down, away from Sami's house and into Henry Park. I sat down on the first bench I saw and quickly opened to read it.

Dear Nikki,

I have been meaning to tell you this ever since the day it happened. But I never got the courage to do so because you were my best friend, my sister. So I wrote it down, instead. Chris loved you, but he also liked me. I know it sounds weird and freaking stupid. But it's true!

He liked me also and it was creepy. Whenever you would leave me alone with him he would try to kiss me. I rejected him as much as I could but he would always succeed. I didn't tell you because you loved him a lot and I didn't want you to hate me that is why I kept it a secret. Chris was also a stupid jerk! He would always pick on my little cousin, Julie, for no god damn reason I hated him for that! Anyways, I just wanted to tell you this because I know I would never talk to you about this and you know how much of a coward I am...I'm sorry...


I stared at the note with my mouth opened. I read again trying to make sure the words weren't part of my imagination or something for that matter. They weren't...

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