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Hungry, tired and scared.

That was the only three emotions swirling inside of me and consuming my thoughts as I tried to follow and make a path out of the thick forest.

I was successful to dodge the guards- Dante and Thomas and now the only obstacle in my path to reach my pack was the patrolling guards.

Even though hungry and scared, I didn't stop for a second to fill my stomach. I had no time to spare as I had to get pass the patrolling guards before dawn.

Lisa had kept her promised and helped me with the escaped plan. She wasn't happy nor did she looked eager to help nevertheless she kept her word in helping me escape Xerxes' pack.

Last one hurdle and I would be free. With that thought on my mind, I picked up my speed.

My wolf, Vivi was still ignoring me and it has been one whole week since I last felt her presence. But I gave her time to realise what I was doing was for our own benefit.

I stopped for a second to catch my breath, the small backpack I carried had some fruits in it. Lisa didn't let me carry any homemade food because its distinct smell would easily be caught by the guards who'd then know something is off. No one would carry a homemade food in the middle of the forest where the pack members except the alpha and a few important rank holders, weren't allowed.

If anyone was to travel or go out of the pack, they'd have to exit or enter from the main gate which was heavily guarded. And also we need to get the permission of the Alpha and a written pass from him to exit and enter the pack grounds which wasn't an option for me so the forest was my only escape route.

My backpack not only contain fruits but I also carried basic first aid items and the potion Lisa had specifically brought for me, for the success of this plan. The potion if sprinkled on me would mask my scent and leave no trail behind but its effect would wear off after two hours and I have to sprinkle it on me again.

The glass bottle of potion was half filled, the half of it used on me while walking out of the house.

Stopping at around one mile from where the patrolling guards were, I opened my backpack and devoured the fruits I brought along with me and took the dark glass which contained the potion, out of my bag.

The night was chilly and the full moon glowed over the forest giving necessary light for me to see and know where I was heading.

Lisa had made sure to make me momerize the path I had to take and what I had to do once getting out of the territory.

My thoughts drifted to Dante and Thomas who were sound asleep and didn't know anything about my absence. I had mixed the herb which Lisa had given me and informed me about its use, with the pie I baked for them. The herb's speciality was it sends a werewolf to a deep slumber and they wouldn't wake up until someone wakes them up.

I felt bad and feared for their well being if Alpha get to know what had happened under their watchful eyes and about my escape. But I stopped myself from dwelling too much about it. I had to think about myself and my well-being.

The herbs, the escape route and the potion that Lisa gave me and planned for me made me question her about it.

A normal she-wolf would never have an access to such things but she cleared any doubts I had and i believed her because her reasons were valid. The herbs and potion were stolen by her from an elder who lived in the pack house and was an expert in such field while the escape route was a copy from the original which she had managed to get her hands on from her brother's room who were warriors of the pack and which she later made me memorize.

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