Chapter Four

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I had no idea where I was going; all I knew was that I need to get away from the party, away from the look on Kelly’s face when I pushed her away. Damn it! Why couldn’t I just fall in love with her?

 I could barely hear the music from the party when I lost my balance and stumbled over a rock, falling to the ground. I leaned against a nearby tree, waiting for my vision to focus. I couldn’t be drunk, I only had four beers. I sat there for what must have been ten minutes, taking deep breaths and trying to clear my head, before I heard someone coming through the trees. I looked up and saw Dylan, who gave me a small smile.

“You okay down there?” he asked. I focused my gaze onto his face. His cheekbones were highlighted by the soft glow of light peering through the trees from the party.  I shook my head and he reached out a hand to help me up. His hand was warm in mine, and he didn’t let go when I stumbled, and instead backed me up to I could lean against the tree. This close to him, I could see that his eyes were wide and I could feel his breath on my face. He was still holding my hand, but I didn’t push him away.

“Now this time give me a verbal answer. Are you okay?”

There it was. That question that I hardly ever hear. I was just going to shrug, but the look of concern on his face broke down my already weak barriers, thanks to the booze.

“No,” I replied. He held my eye contact, waiting for me to continue. “I don’t understand why I can’t just fall in love with her.”

“Ah,” he said. “That explains why Kelly came back inside crying.”

I groaned. Dylan seemed to notice that that didn’t make me feel any better and let go of my hand, placing both of them on my shoulders.

“Hey, it’s not your fault,” his voice was soft and soothing. “If she wasn’t the one, you can’t make yourself fall in love with someone. It will come naturally when the time is right.”

“But that’s the thing,” I stressed, “It hasn’t come yet! I haven’t felt like any of my past relationships have been anything more than just a casual way to pass the time! Surely I should have felt something by now.”

I looked away, embarrassed at my outburst. Dylan softly placed his hand on the side of my face, turning my head so that I looked at him.

“Alec, that isn’t your fault though. It just means that when you find the right person, you’ll know it and it will feel like nothing you’ve ever felt before.”

I wasn’t really listening to what he was saying, my full attention was now on his lips. I could feel the warmth coming from his hands; one on the side of my face and the other on my shoulder. Out here it was quite, the party just a muffled noise in the background. I looked back up at him, grasping the wrist that was next to my face, but not to move him away. Dylan’s breath caught.

“Don’t,” he breathed.

“Don’t what?” I asked. I had no idea what I was doing. Was it the alcohol making me feel so at ease even though I could feel my heartbeat hammering in my chest?

“You’re drunk. You don’t know what you’re doing.”

“I’ve only had four beers,” I protested.

“Have you eaten anything?”

Shit, drinking on an empty stomach. No wonder I felt like such a lightweight. Dylan chuckled at the look that must have crossed my face at being caught out. He went to move away, but I pulled closer to me, making him brace his hand that was on my shoulder on the tree behind me so not to fall on me.

“Alec, you’re drunk and confused. You don’t want this,” he said, but didn’t try to move away. I could feel his breath on my lips, only a few inches separating our bodies. I looked up at him, the dim lighting making his eyes the deepest midnight blue, and he was staring down at me.

“I don’t know what I want.”

Then I leaned in and kissed him. I kissed him. Dylan. A guy. But I didn’t care. I felt him stiffen, clearly in shock, but when that shock passed he began to relax and kiss me back. The hand on the side of my face moved back slowly, his fingers tangling in my hair. I grabbed his hips and pulled him against me, feeling his body press up against mine. I opened my mouth and  he didn’t hesitate to push his tongue in. When our tongues touched I felt his hand tighten in my hair and I stifled a groan. I was right about the tongue piercing. My hands travelled up his back, feeling the muscles I had seen only this morning in the rain. I was consumed by the feel of Dylan’s tongue, I was aware of his body pressed against mine and the heat radiating off it. I thought of what I said to Dylan, about all the girls I had been with. I said being with them felt casual. Kissing Kelly had felt casual. But kissing Dylan... I could never call this feeling casual. Dylan removed his tongue from my mouth and I leaned in and bit his bottom lip. He pulled away from the kiss and rested his forehead against mine. His hand was still fisted in my hair and I was clenching his t shirt for dear life, both of us breathing deeply.

“Alec,” he whispered, keeping his eyes closed. Mine were wide open and staring at him. I just kissed Dylan. Who is a guy. A gay guy. I closed my eyes, trying to calm down. What the hell was I doing? I’m not gay, at least I didn’t think I was. But that kiss... For once I felt something. Passion? Lust? I don’t know, but one thing was for sure, I bloody liked it.

“Huh?” I said, opening my eyes to see Dylan looking back at me. He smiled before slowly letting go of my hair and straightening up. I let go of his t shirt and took a step away from the tree, but Dylan caught my arm before my face collided with the ground. Something tells me the alcohol wasn’t the reason for my weak knees.

“Whoa there,” exclaimed Dylan, “I think I should get you home.” I just nodded as Dylan swung my arm over his shoulder and lead me back to the house and around the front to the car. He helped me into the passenger side before running back into the house to let Sam know we were leaving. My lips felt swollen, and I could see my reflection in the glass; flushed face, wide eyed and tousled haired. Dylan returned a minute later, and I noticed he looked as calm and laidback as always.  Once we were on the road I couldn’t hold in my laugh any longer and let it out, earning a weary glance from Dylan who was concentrating on the road.

“Everything okay?”

I rubbed my face and ran my fingers through my hair, probably making it worse than it already was. I took a deep, shaky breath before speaking.

“Well, I never once considered that I was gay, but it does explain things,” I replied, staring out the window. Dylan didn’t reply, but I’m sure I saw his lip quirk out of the corner of my eye.  A few minutes later Dylan pulled up outside my house.

“Are you going to be able to make it inside okay?”

I nodded and went to open the car door, but Dylan’s grip on my arm stopped me. I turned to face him, a small smile playing on his lips.

“Once you’re head is cleared, give me a call tomorrow if you want to talk.”

“I will,” I promised, returning his smile before stepping out the car and somehow making my way into my house. Luckily I held back the urge to skip up the driveway like a twelve year old girl. I quietly shut the door behind me and locked it.

 I kissed Dylan Lewis.

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