Chapter Twelve

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After declining every offer from Molly to meet up later (politely of course) we eventually went home and I went straight to bed. I spent all day Sunday either lounging about or doing homework, and before I knew it I was waking up on Monday morning getting ready for our history trip.

The weather outside was considerably cooler, and I got dressed into a pair of dark jeans, a long sleeved black t shirt with my zip up grey hoodie and my pair of Timberland boots. I zipped up my hoodie as I made my way downstairs where Luke was waiting, grabbed my backpack with my lunch, and made our way to school when Sam arrived.

The bus for the trip was waiting when we pulled up and the two history classes were waiting to get on, I said goodbye to Sam and headed over as people started to board the bus. I walked towards the back of the bus and Dylan nodded to the seat next to him when I caught his eye. Elle was in the other history class, and since both were on the trip together, she was sat in the seat in front of Dylan next to Matt.

Matt reached across and gave me a hi five in greeting as I sat in the seat next to Dylan.

“Hey,” I said as I dropped my bag down at my feet.

“Hey,” he replied, “you ready for a two hour journey to see a rundown old castle?”

“I’m so excited I can hardly contain myself,” I deadpanned.  That earned me a smile as Dylan turned to look out the window. Mr Fletcher called a register before we set off.

I looked out the window along with Dylan, watching as we pulled out of the school gates. Every so often, my attention would shift from the scenery outside to Dylan. He’d also dressed for the cooler weather, still wearing black skinny jeans and his worn in boots along with leather jacket and a grey scarf. His hair had to definitely be causing problems for his sight now, and I had to resist the urge to brush it away from his eyes.

“Mum said I was okay to go along with you guys to the cabin of October break,” said Dylan, still looking out the widow.

“That’s great!” I said, showing my excitement a little too much. I was beginning to worry that he wouldn’t be able to come. We’d agreed that going to the cabin was a good idea and now everyone could make it; myself, Dylan, Sam, Matt, Elle, Cam, Mitch and Sally.

Dylan turned to face me before continuing.

“Do you want to ride with me Mitch and Sally? Since I’m assuming Sam is taking Matt, Elle and Cam?”

“Yeah that’d great, saves the five of us squishing into the one car like last year.”
“I’ll warn you though, you’ll have to put up with Mitch for the whole ride so you might at one point consider walking than putting up with him.”

I laughed. “He can’t be that bad, can he?”

“Right,” started Dylan, getting comfy in his seat facing me full on. “This one time, we went to this carnival about an hour outside of town and there was this one game- and can’t even remember what it was- anyway, this one game was supposed to be impossible to win.

“So Mitch, being Mitch, decided that he was going to prove that it wasn’t impossible and win Sally this big ass unicorn- it was the size of a pony, I’m not joking.

“Anyway, unfortunately for us Mitch won the unicorn which just increased his ego. On the car journey home, he decided to sit out the window and hold the unicorn on the roof of the car screaming ‘I’m the master of the carnival! Peasants, bow down before the almighty unicorn.’”

I couldn’t stop laughing, I could totally picture Mitch doing something like that- the guy is crazy.

“He did that the whole way home?” I asked.

“Until we got pulled over by the police and was lectured how unsafe Mitch was being.” Dylan sighed and let out a small laugh. “I love the guy like my brother, but at the same time I get this overwhelming urge just to slap him across the face at times.”

For the rest of the journey Dylan and I talked about whatever came into our heads, slouched down into our seat with our shoulders leaning together.

When we arrived and got off the bus it was colder than before, both because of the wind and the loss of Dylan’s body pressing against mine.

We were huddled together, walking around the ruins of the castle that I couldn’t remember the name of while Mr Fletcher pointed out things here and there before telling us we could wander around for an hour before meeting back at the bus.

We branched off into little groups, me and Dylan with Matt and Elle. We came to a tower at the far end of the castle with a narrow winding stone staircase. Elle was afraid of heights so I climbed the stairs with Dylan. It was a long way to the top, but when you emerged from the staircase you were in a small circular room with one window; a long, narrow slit that looked over the hills and forest in the valley below the castle.

I walked over to the window where Dylan was stood. I rubbed my hands together, blowing on them in the hopes to bring some warmth to them.

“Here,” said Dylan, encasing my cold hands with his warm ones. Dylan didn’t look at me, he just staring out the window while slowing rubbing his hands against mine. I was grateful his attention was elsewhere as I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.

I don’t know how long we stood like that, looking out the window, Dylan holding my hands. The heat returned to them, but he didn’t let go, and my skin began to tingle from his touch.

When Dylan spoke, he did so quietly.

“Are you free Friday night?”

I studied him for a moment, taking in the sight of his high cheek bones reddened by the cold, his hot breath fogging the cold air.

“Yeah,” I replied, slightly nervous.

“Do you want to have dinner?”

My breath caught as Dylan looked at me. I could tell, by the look in his eyes and the way he softly squeezed my hands, that this wouldn’t be dinner with his family. I could tell that he was asking me on a date. Dylan must have saw the slight panic cross my face because when he spoke it was almost to reassure me.

“Just us two, but not at a restaurant or anything fancy. I have a place I want to show you.”

Alec, this means he likes you. I let out the breath I was holding and turned my hands over so I could entwine my fingers with his.

“Sure, I’d love to.”

He gave me a signature Dylan Lewis grin before we were interrupted by Matt’s voice echoing from the stairwell.

“Guys, we’ve got to go!”

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